Monday, September 30, 2019

Black House Chapter Seven

7 GOD MAY KNOW where Henry Leyden found that astounding suit, but we certainly do not. A costume shop? No, it is too elegant to be a costume; this is the real thing, not an imitation. But what sort of real thing is it? The wide lapels sweep down to an inch below the waist, and the twin flaps of the swallowtail reach nearly to the ankles of the billowing, pleated trousers, which seem, beneath the snowfield expanse of the double-breasted waistcoat, to ride nearly at the level of the sternum. On Henry's feet, white, high-button spats adorn white patent-leather shoes; about his neck, a stiff, high collar turns its pointed peaks over a wide, flowing, white satin bow tie, perfectly knotted. The total effect is of old-fashioned diplomatic finery harmoniously wedded to a zoot suit: the raffishness of the ensemble outweighs its formality, but the dignity of the swallowtail and the waistcoat contribute to the whole a regal quality of a specific kind, the regality often seen in African American e ntertainers and musicians. Escorting Henry to the common room while surly Pete Wexler comes along behind, pushing a handcart loaded with boxes of records, Rebecca Vilas dimly remembers having seen Duke Ellington wearing a white cutaway like this in a clip from some old film . . . or was it Cab Calloway? She recalls an upraised eyebrow, a glittering smile, a seductive face, an upright figure posed before a band, but little more. (If alive, either Mr. Ellington or Mr. Calloway could have informed Rebecca that Henry's outfit, including the â€Å"high-drape† pants with a â€Å"reet pleat,† terms not in her vocabulary, had undoubtedly been handmade by one of four specific tailors located in the black neighborhoods of New York, Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, or Los Angeles, masters of their trade during the thirties and forties, underground tailors, men now alas as dead as their celebrated clients. Henry Leyden knows exactly who tailored his outfit, where it came from, and how it fell into his hands, but when it comes to persons such as Rebecca Vilas, Henry imparts no more information than is already likely to be known.) In the corridor leading to the common room, the white cutaway appears to shine from within, an impression only increased by Henry's oversized, daddy-cool dark glasses with bamboo frames, in which what may be tiny sapphires wink at the corners of the bows. Is there maybe some shop that sells Spiffy Clothes of Great 1930s Bandleaders? Does some museum inherit this stuff and auction it off ? Rebecca cannot contain her curiosity a moment longer. â€Å"Mr. Leyden, where did you get that beautiful outfit?† From the rear and taking care to sound as though he is muttering to himself, Pete Wexler opines that obtaining an outfit like that probably requires chasing a person of an ethnicity beginning with the letter n for at least a couple of miles. Henry ignores Pete and smiles. â€Å"It's all a matter of knowing where to look.† â€Å"Guess you never heard of CDs,† Pete says. â€Å"They're like this big new breakthrough.† â€Å"Shut up and tote them bales, me bucko,† says Ms. Vilas. â€Å"We're almost there.† â€Å"Rebecca, my dear, if I may,† Henry says. â€Å"Mr. Wexler has every right to grouse. After all, there's no way he could know that I own about three thousand CDs, is there? And if the man who originally owned these clothes can be called a nigger, I'd be proud to call myself one, too. That would be an incredible honor. I wish I could claim it.† Henry has come to a halt. Each, in a different way, shocked by his use of the forbidden word, Pete and Rebecca have also stopped moving. â€Å"And,† Henry says, â€Å"we owe respect to those who assist us in the performance of our duties. I asked Mr. Wexler to shake out my suit when he hung it up, and he very kindly obliged me.† â€Å"Yeah,† Pete says. â€Å"Plus I also hung up your light and put your turntable and speakers and shit right where you want 'em.† â€Å"Thank you very much, Mr. Wexler,† Henry says. â€Å"I appreciate your efforts in my behalf.† â€Å"Well, shit,† Pete says, â€Å"I was only doing my job, you know? But anything you want after you're done, I'll give you a hand.† Without benefit of a flash of panties or a glimpse of ass, Pete Wexler has been completely disarmed. Rebecca finds this amazing. All in all, sightless or not, Henry Leyden, it comes to her, is far and away the coolest human being she has ever been privileged to encounter in her entire twenty-six years on the face of the earth. Never mind his clothes where did guys like this come from? â€Å"Do you really think some little boy vanished from the sidewalk out in front of here this afternoon?† Henry asks. â€Å"What?† Rebecca asks. â€Å"Seems like it to me,† Pete says. â€Å"What?† Rebecca asks again, this time to Pete Wexler, not Henry. â€Å"What are you saying?† â€Å"Well, he ast me, and I tol' him,† Pete says. â€Å"That's all.† Simmering dangerously, Rebecca takes a stride toward him. â€Å"This happened on our sidewalk? Another kid, in front of our building? And you didn't say anything to me or Mr. Maxton?† â€Å"There wasn't nothin' to say,† Pete offers in self-defense. â€Å"Maybe you could tell us what actually happened,† Henry says. â€Å"Sure. What happened was, I went outside for a smoke, see?† This is less than strictly truthful. Faced with the choice of walking ten yards to the Daisy corridor men's room to flush his cigarette down a toilet or walking ten feet to the entrance and pitching it into the parking lot, Pete had sensibly elected outdoor disposal. â€Å"So I get outside and that's when I saw it. This police car, parked right out there. So I walked up to the hedge, and there's this cop, a young guy, I think his name is Cheetah, or something like that, and he's loadin' this bike, like a kid's bike, into his trunk. And something else, too, only I couldn't see what it was except it was small. And after he did that, he got a piece a chalk outta his glove compartment and he came back and made like X marks on the sidewalk.† â€Å"Did you talk to him?† Rebecca asks. â€Å"Did you ask him what he was doing?† â€Å"Miz Vilas, I don't talk to cops unless it's like you got no other choice, know what I mean? Cheetah, he never even saw me. The guy wouldn't of said nothing anyhow. He had this expression on his face it was like, Jeez, I hope I get to the crapper before I drop a load in my pants, that kind of expression.† â€Å"Then he just drove away?† â€Å"Just like that. Twenty minutes later, two other cops showed up.† Rebecca raises both hands, closes her eyes, and presses her fingertips to her forehead, giving Pete Wexler an excellent opportunity, of which he does not fail to take full advantage, to admire the shape of her breasts underneath her blouse. It may not be as great as the view from the bottom of the ladder, but it'll do, all right, yes it will. As far as Ebbie's dad is concerned, a sight like Rebecca Vilas's Hottentots pushing out against her dress is like a good fire on a cold night. They are bigger than you'd expect on a slender little thing like her, and you know what? When the arms go up, the Hottentots go up, too! Hey, if he had known she was going to put on a show like this, he would have told her about Cheetah and the bicycle as soon as it happened. â€Å"All right, okay,† she says, still flattening the tips of her fingers against her head. She lifts her chin, raising her arms another few inches, and frowns in concentration, for a moment looking like a figure on a plinth. Hoo-ray and hallelujah, Pete thinks. There's a bright side to everything. If another little snotnose gets grabbed off the sidewalk tomorrow morning, it won't be soon enough for me. Rebecca says, â€Å"Okay, okay, okay,† opens her eyes, and lowers her arms. Pete Wexler is staring firmly at a point over her shoulder, his face blank with a false innocence she immediately comprehends. Good God, what a caveman. â€Å"It's not as bad as I thought. In the first place, all you saw was a policeman picking up a bike. Maybe it was stolen. Maybe some other kid borrowed the bike, dumped it, and ran away. The cop could have been looking for it. Or the kid who owned the bike could have been hit by a car or something. And even if the worst did happen, I don't see any way that it could hurt us. Maxton's isn't responsible for whatever goes on outside the grounds.† She turns to Henry, who looks as though he wishes he were a hundred miles away. â€Å"Sorry, I know that sounded awfully cold. I'm as distressed about this Fisherman business as everyone else, what with those two poor kids and the missing girl. We're all so upset we can hardly think straight. But I'd hate to see us dragged into the mess, don't you see?† â€Å"I see perfectly,† Henry says. â€Å"Being one of those blind men George Rathbun is always yelling about.† â€Å"Hah!† Pete Wexler barks. â€Å"And you agree with me, don't you?† â€Å"I'm a gentleman, I agree with everybody,† Henry says. â€Å"I agree with Pete that another child may well have been abducted by our local monster. Officer Cheetah, or whatever his name is, sounded too anxious to be just picking up a lost bicycle. And I agree with you that Maxton's cannot be blamed for anything that happened.† â€Å"Good,† Rebecca says. â€Å"Unless, of course, someone here is involved in the murders of these children.† â€Å"But that's impossible!† Rebecca says. â€Å"Most of our male clients can't even remember their own names.† â€Å"A ten-year-old girl could take most of these feebs,† Pete says. â€Å"Even the ones who don't have old-timer's disease walk around covered in their own . . . you know.† â€Å"You're forgetting about the staff,† Henry says. â€Å"Oh, now,† Rebecca says, momentarily rendered nearly wordless. â€Å"Come on. That's . . . that's a totally irresponsible thing to say.† â€Å"True. It is. But if this goes on, nobody will be above suspicion. That's my point.† Pete Wexler feels a sudden chill if the town clowns start grilling Maxton's residents, his private amusements might come to light, and wouldn't Wendell Green have a field day with that stuff ? A gleaming new idea comes to him, and he brings it forth, hoping to impress Miz Vilas. â€Å"You know what? The cops should talk to that California guy, the big-time detective who nailed that Kinderling asshole two-three years ago. He lives around here somewhere, don't he? Someone like that, he's the guy we need on this. The cops here, they're way outta their depth. That guy, he's like a whaddayacallit, a goddamn resource.† â€Å"Odd you should say that,† Henry says. â€Å"I couldn't agree with you more. It is about time Jack Sawyer did his thing. I'll work on him again.† â€Å"You know him?† Rebecca asks. â€Å"Oh, yes,† Henry says. â€Å"That I do. But isn't it about time for me to do my own thing?† â€Å"Soon. They're all still outside.† Rebecca leads him down the rest of the corridor and into the common room, where all three of them move across to the big platform. Henry's microphone stands beside a table mounted with his speakers and turntable. With unnerving accuracy, Henry says, â€Å"Lot of space in here.† â€Å"You can tell that?† she asks. â€Å"Piece of cake,† Henry says. â€Å"We must be getting close now.† â€Å"It's right in front of you. Do you need any help?† Henry extends one foot and taps the side of the flat. He glides a hand down the edge of the table, locates the mike stand, says, â€Å"Not at the moment, darlin',† and steps neatly up onto the platform. Guided by touch, he moves to the back of the table and locates the turntable. â€Å"All is co-pacetic,† he says. â€Å"Pete, would you please put the record boxes on the table? The one on top goes here, and the other one right next to it.† â€Å"What's he like, your friend Jack?† Rebecca asks. â€Å"An orphan of the storm. A pussycat, but an extremely difficult pussy-cat. I have to say, he can be a real pain in the bunghole.† Crowd noises, a buzz of conversation interlaced with children's voices and songs thumped out on an old upright piano, have been audible through the windows since they entered the room, and when Pete has placed the record boxes on the table, he says, â€Å"I better get out there, ‘cuz Chipper's probly lookin' for me. Gonna be a shitload of cleanup once they come inside.† Pete shambles out, rolling the handcart before him. Rebecca asks if there is anything more Henry would like her to do for him. â€Å"The overhead lights are on, aren't they? Please turn them off, and wait for the first wave to come in. Then switch on the pink spot, and prepare to jitterbug your heart out.† â€Å"You want me to turn off the lights?† â€Å"You'll see.† Rebecca moves back across to the door, turns off the overhead lights, and does see, just as Henry had promised. A soft, dim illumination from the rank of windows hovers in the air, replacing the former brightness and harshness with a vague mellow haze, as if the room lay behind a scrim. That pink spotlight is going to look pretty good in here, Rebecca thinks. Outside on the lawn, the predance wingding is winding down. Lots of old men and women are busily polishing off their strawberry shortcakes and soda pop at the picnic tables, and the piano-playing gent in the straw boater and red sleeve garters comes to the end of â€Å"Heart and Soul,† ba bump ba bump ba ba bump bump bump, no finesse but plenty of volume, closes the lid of the upright, and stands up to a scattering of applause. Grandchildren who had earlier complained about having to come to the great fest dodge through the tables and wheelchairs, evading their parents' glances and hoping to wheedle a last balloon from the balloon lady in the clown suit and frizzy red wig, oh joy unbounded. Alice Weathers applauds the piano player, as well she might: forty years ago, he reluctantly absorbed the rudiments of pianism at her hands just well enough to pick up a few bucks at occasions like this, when not obliged to perform his usual function, that of selling sweatshirts and baseball caps on Chase Street. Charles Burnside, who, having been scrubbed clean by good-hearted Butch Yerxa, decked himself out in an old white shirt and a pair of loose, filthy trousers, stands slightly apart from the throng in the shade of a large oak, not applauding but sneering. The unbuttoned collar of the shirt droops around his ropy neck. Now and then he wipes his mouth or picks his teeth with a ragged thumbnail, but mainly he does not move at all. He looks as though someone plunked him down by the side of a road and drove off. Whenever the careering grandkids swerve near Burny, they instantly veer away, as if repelled by a force field. Between Alice and Burny, three-fourths of the residents of Maxton's belly up to the tables, stump around on their walkers, sit beneath the trees, occupy their wheelchairs, hobble here and there yakking, dozing, chuckling, farting, dabbing at fresh strawberry-colored stains on their clothing, staring at their relatives, staring at their trembling hands, staring at nothing. Half a dozen of the most vacant among them wear conical party hats of hard, flat red and hard, flat blue, the shades of enforced gaiety. The women from the kitchen have begun to circulate through the tables with big black garbage bags, for soon they must retire to their domain to prepare the evening's great feast of potato salad, mashed potatoes, creamed potatoes, baked beans, Jell-O salad, marshmallow salad, and whipped-cream salad, plus of course more mighty strawberry shortcake! The undisputed and hereditary sovereign of this realm, Chipper Max-ton, whose disposition generally resembles that of a skunk trapped in a muddy hole, has spent the previous ninety minutes ambling about smiling and shaking hands, and he has had enough. â€Å"Pete,† he growls, â€Å"what the hell took you so long? Start racking up the folding chairs, okay? And help shift these people into the common room. Let's get a goddamn move on here. Wagons west.† Pete scurries off, and Chipper claps his hands twice, loudly, then raises his outstretched arms. â€Å"Hey, everybody,† he bellows, â€Å"can you truly believe what a gol-durn gorgeous day the good Lord gave us for this beautiful event? Isn't this something?† Half a dozen feeble voices rise in agreement. â€Å"Come on, people, you can do better than that! I want to hear it for this wonderful day, this wonderful time we're all having, and for all the wonderful help and assistance given us by our volunteers and staff!† A slightly more exuberant clamor rewards his efforts. â€Å"All right! Hey, you know what? As George Rathbun would say, even a blind man could see what a great time we're all having. I know I am, and we're not done yet! We got the greatest deejay you ever heard, a fellow called Symphonic Stan, the Big-Band Man, waiting to put on a great, great show in the common room, music and dancing right up to the big Strawberry Fest dinner, and we got him cheap, too but don't tell him I said that! So, friends and family, it's time to say your good-byes and let your loved ones cut a rug to the golden oldies, just like them, ha ha! Golden oldies one and all, that's all of us here at Maxton's. Even I'm not as young as I used to be, ha ha, so I might take a spin across the floor with some lucky lady. â€Å"Seriously, folks, it's time for us to put on our dancing shoes. Please kiss Dad or Mom, Granddad or Grandma good-bye, and on your way out, you may wish to leave a contribution toward our expenses in the basket on top of Ragtime Willie's piano right over here, ten dollars, five dollars, anything you can spare helps us cover the costs of giving your mom, your dad, a bright, bright day. We do it out of love, but half of that love is your love.† And in what may seem to us a surprisingly short amount of time, but does not to Chipper Maxton, who understands that very few people wish to linger in an elder-care facility any longer than they must, the relatives bestow their final hugs and kisses, round up the exhausted kiddies, and file down the paths and over the grass into the parking lot, along the way a good number depositing bills in the basket atop Ragtime Willie's upright piano. No sooner does this exodus begin than Pete Wexler and Chipper Maxton set about persuading, with all the art available to them, the oldsters back into the building. Chipper says things like, â€Å"Now don't you know how much we all want to see you trip the light fantastic, Mrs. Syverson?† while Pete takes the more direct approach of, â€Å"Move along, bud, time to stir your stumps,† but both men employ the techniques of subtle and not-so-subtle nudges, pushes, elbow grasping, and wheelchair rolling to get their doddering charges through the door. At her post, Rebecca Vilas watches the residents enter the hazy common room, some of them traveling at a rate a touch too brisk for their own good. Henry Leyden stands motionless behind his boxes of LPs. His suit shimmers; his head is merely a dark silhouette before the windows. For once too busy to ogle Rebecca's chest, Pete Wexler moves past with one hand on the elbow of Elmer Jesperson, deposits him eight feet inside the room, and whirls around to locate Thorvald Thorvaldson, Elmer's dearest enemy and fellow inhabitant of D12. Alice Weathers wafts in under her own guidance and folds her hands beneath her chin, waiting for the music to begin. Tall, scrawny, hollow-cheeked, at the center of an empty space that is his alone, Charles Burnside slides through the door and quickly moves a good distance off to the side. When his dead eyes indifferently meet hers, Rebecca shivers. The next pair of eyes to meet hers belong to Chipper, who pushes Flora Flostad's wheelchair as if it held a cr ate of oranges and gives her an impatient glare completely at odds with the easy smile on his face. Time is money, you bet, but money is money, too, let's get this show on the road, pronto. The first wave, Henry had told her is that what they have here, the first wave? She glances across the room, wondering how to ask, and sees that the question has already been answered, for as soon as she looks up, Henry flashes her the okay sign. Rebecca flips the switch for the pink spot, and nearly everybody in the room, including a number of old parties who had appeared well beyond response of any kind, utters a soft aaah. His suit, his shirt, his spats blazing in the cone of light, a transformed Henry Leyden glides and dips toward the microphone as a twelve-inch LP, seemingly magicked out of the air, twirls like a top on the palm of his right hand. His teeth shine; his sleek hair gleams; the sapphires wink from the bows of his enchanted sunglasses. Henry seems almost to be dancing himself, with his sweet, clever sidestepping glide . . . only he is no longer Henry Leyden; no way, Renee, as George Rathbun likes to roar. The suit, the spats, the slicked-back hair, the shades, even the wondrously effective pink spot are mere stage dressing. The real magic here is Henry, that uniquely malleable creature. When he is George Rathbun, he is all George. Ditto the Wisconsin Rat; ditto Henry Shake. It has been eighteen months since h e took Symphonic Stan from the closet and fit into him like a hand into a glove to dazzle the crowd at a Madison VFW record hop, but the clothes still fit, oh yes, they fit, and he fits within them, a hipster reborn whole into a past he never saw firsthand. On his extended palm, the spinning LP resembles a solid, unmoving, black beachball. Whenever Symphonic Stan puts on a hop, he always begins with â€Å"In the Mood.† Although he does not detest Glenn Miller as some jazz aficionados do, over the years he has grown tired of this number. But it always does the job. Even if the customers have no choice but to dance with one foot in the grave and the other on the proverbial banana peel, they do dance. Besides, he knows that after Miller was drafted he told the arranger Billy May of his plan to â€Å"come out of this war as some kind of hero,† and, hell, he was as good as his word, wasn't he? Henry reaches the mike and slips the revolving record onto the platter with a negligent gesture of his right hand. The crowd applauds him with an exhaled oooh. â€Å"Welcome, welcome, all you hepcats and hepkitties,† Henry says. The words emerge from the speakers wrapped in the smooth, slightly above-it-all voice of a true broadcaster in 1938 or 1939, one of the men who did live remotes from dance halls and nightclubs located from Boston to Catalina. Honey poured through their throats, these muses of the night, and they never missed a beat. â€Å"Say, tell me this, you gates and gators, can you think of a better way to kick off a swingin' soiree than with Glenn Miller? Come on, brothers and sisters, give me yeahhh.† From the residents of Maxton's some of whom are already out on the floor, others wheelchair-bound on its edges in various postures of confusion or vacuity comes a whispery response, less a party cry than the rustle of an autumn wind through bare branches. Symphonic Stan grins like a shark and holds up his hands as if to still a hopped-up multitude, then twirls and spins like a Savoy Ballroom dancer inspired by Chick Webb. His coattails spread like wings, his sparkling feet fly and land and fly again. The moment evaporates, and two black beachballs appear on the deejay's palms, one of them spinning back into its sleeve, the other down to meet the needle. â€Å"All-reety all-righty all-rooty, you hoppin' hens and boppin' bunnies, here comes the Sentimental Gentleman, Mr. Tommy Dorsey, so get off your money and grab your honey while vocalist Dick Haymes, the pride of Buenos Aires, Argentina, asks the musical question ‘How Am I to Know You?' Frank Sinatra hasn't entered the building yet, brethren and sistren, but life is still fine as mmm-mmm wine.† Rebecca Vilas cannot believe what she is seeing. This guy is getting just about everyone out onto the floor, even some of the wheelchair cases, who are dipping and swirling with the best of them. Dolled up in his exotic, astonishing outfit, Symphonic Stan Henry Leyden, she reminds herself is corny and breathtaking, absurd and convincing, all at once. He's like . . . some kind of time capsule, locked into both his role and what these old people want to hear. He has charmed them back into life, back into whatever youth they had left in them. Unbelievable! No other word will do. People she had written off as shuffling basket cases are blooming right in front of her. As for Symphonic Stan, he's carrying on like an elegant dervish, making her think of words like suave, polished, urbane, unhinged, sexy, graceful, words that do not connect except in him. And that thing he does with the records! How is that possible? She does not realize that she is tapping her foot and swaying in time to the music until Henry puts on Artie Shaw's â€Å"Begin the Beguine,† when she literally begins her own beguine by starting to dance by herself. Henry's hepcat jive-dance, the sight of so many white-haired, blue-haired, and bald-headed people gliding around the floor, Alice Weathers beaming happily in the arms of none other than gloomy Thorvald Thorvaldson, Ada Meyerhoff and â€Å"Tom Tom† Boettcher twirling around each other in their wheelchairs, the sweeping pulse of the music driving everything beneath the molten radiance of Artie Shaw's clarinet, all of these things abruptly, magically coalesce into a vision of earthly beauty that brings tears stinging to her eyes. Smiling, she raises her arms, spins, and finds herself expertly grasped by Tom Tom's twin brother, eighty-six-year-old Hermie Boettcher, the retired geography teacher in A17 formerly considered something of a stick, who without a word fox-trots her right out to the middle of the floor. â€Å"Shame to see a pretty girl dancing all on her lonesome,† Hermie says. â€Å"Hermie, I'd follow you anywhere,† she tells him. â€Å"Let's us get closer to the bandstand,† he says. â€Å"I want a better look at that hotshot in the fancy suit. They say he's blind as a bat, but I don't believe it.† His hand planted firmly at the base of her spine, his hips swerving in time to Artie Shaw, Hermie guides her to within a foot of the platform, where the Symphonic One is already doing his trick with a new record as he waits for the last bar of the present one. Rebecca could swear that Stan/Henry not only senses her presence before him but actually winks at her! But that is truly impossible . . . isn't it? The Symphonic One twirls the Shaw record into its sleeve, the new one onto the platter, and says, â€Å"Can you say ‘Vout'? Can you say ‘Solid'? Now that we're all limbered up, let's get jumpin' and jivin' with Woody Herman and ‘Wild Root.' This tune is dedicated to all you beautiful ladies, especially the lady wearing Calyx.† Rebecca laughs and says, â€Å"Oh, dear.† He could smell her perfume; he recognized it! Undaunted by the steamy tempo of â€Å"Wild Root,† Hermie Boettcher slides into a back step, extends his arm, and spins Rebecca around. On the first beat of the next bar, he catches her in his arms and reverses direction, spinning them both toward the far end of the platform, where Alice Weathers stands next to Mr. Thorvaldson, gazing up at Symphonic Stan. â€Å"The special lady must be you,† Hermie says. â€Å"Because that perfume of yours is worth a dedication.† Rebecca asks, â€Å"Where'd you learn to dance like this?† â€Å"My brother and I, we were town boys. Learned how to dance in front of the jukebox at Alouette's, over by Arden.† Rebecca knows Alouette's, on Arden's Main Street, but what was once a soda fountain is now a lunch counter, and the jukebox disappeared around the time Johnny Mathis dropped off the charts. â€Å"You want a good dancer, you find yourself a town boy. Tom Tom, now he was always the slickest dancer around, and you can plunk him in that chair, but you can't take away his rhythm.† â€Å"Mr. Stan, yoo-hoo, Mr. Stan?† Alice Weathers has tilted her head and cupped her hands around her mouth. â€Å"Do you take requests?† A voice as flat and hard as the sound of two stones grinding together says, â€Å"I was here first, old woman.† This implacable rudeness brings Rebecca to a halt. Hermie's right foot comes gently down atop her left, then swiftly moves off, doing her no more injury than a kiss. Towering over Alice, Charles Burnside glares at Thorvald Thorvaldson. Thorvaldson steps back and tugs at Alice's hand. â€Å"Certainly, my dear,† says Stan, bending down. â€Å"Tell me your name and what you'd like to hear.† â€Å"I am Alice Weathers, and â€Å" â€Å"I was here first,† Burny loudly repeats. Rebecca glances at Hermie, who shakes his head and makes a sour face. Town boy or not, he is as intimidated as Mr. Thorvaldson. † ‘Moonglow,' please. By Benny Goodman.† â€Å"It's my turn, you jackass. I want that Woody Herman number called ‘Lady Magowan's Nightmare.' That one's good.† Hermie leans toward Rebecca's ear. â€Å"Nobody likes that fella, but he gets his own way.† â€Å"Not this time,† Rebecca says. â€Å"Mr. Burnside, I want you to â€Å" Symphonic Stan silences her with a wave of his hand. He turns to face the owner of the remarkably unpleasant voice. â€Å"No can do, mister. The song is called ‘Lady Magowan's Dream,' and I didn't bring that snappy little item with me this afternoon, sorry.† â€Å"Okay, bud, how about ‘I Can't Get Started,' the one Bunny Berigan did?† â€Å"Oh, I love that,† Alice says. â€Å"Yes, play ‘I Can't Get Started.' â€Å" â€Å"Happy to oblige,† Stan says in Henry Leyden's normal voice. Without bothering to jive around or spin the records on his hands, he simply exchanges the LP on the turntable for one from the first box. He seems oddly wilted as he steps to the mike and says, â€Å"I've flown around the world on a plane, I settled revolutions in Spain. Can't get started. Dedicated to the lovely Alice Blue Gown and the One Who Walks by Night.† â€Å"You're no better'n a monkey on a stick,† says Burny. The music begins. Rebecca taps Hermie on the arm and moves up alongside Charles Burnside, for whom she has never felt anything but mild revulsion. Now that she has him in focus, her outrage and disgust cause her to say, â€Å"Mr. Burnside, you are going to apologize to Alice and to our guest here. You're a crude, obnoxious bully, and after you apologize, I want you to get back into your room, where you belong.† Her words have no effect. Burnside's shoulders have slumped. He has a wide, sloppy grin on his face, and he is staring empty-eyed at nothing in particular. He looks too far gone to remember his own name, much less Bunny Berigan's. In any case, Alice Weathers has danced away, and Symphonic Stan, back at the far end of the platform and out of the pink spot, appears to be deep in thought. The elderly couples sway back and forth on the dance floor. Off to the side, Hermie Boettcher pantomimes dancing and quizzes her with a look. â€Å"I'm sorry about that,† she says to Stan/Henry. â€Å"No need to apologize. ‘I Can't Get Started' was my wife's favorite record. I've been thinking about her a lot, the past few days. Sort of took me by surprise.† He runs a hand over his sleek hair and shakes out his arms, visibly getting back into his role. Rebecca decides to leave him alone. In fact, she wants to leave everyone alone for a little while. Signaling regret and the press of duty to Hermie, she makes her way through the crowd and exits the common room. Somehow, old Burny has beaten her to the corridor. He shuffles absently toward Daisy wing, head drooping, feet scuffing the floor. â€Å"Mr. Burnside,† she says, â€Å"your act may fool everyone else, but I want you to know that it doesn't fool me.† Moving by increments, the old man turns around. First one foot shifts, then a knee, the spavined waist, the second foot, finally the cadaverous trunk. The ugly bloom of Burny's head droops on its thin stalk, offering Rebecca a view of his mottled scalp. His long nose protrudes like a warped rudder. With the same dreadful slowness, his head lifts to reveal muddy eyes and a slack mouth. A flash of sheer vindictiveness rises into the dull eyes, and the dead lips writhe. Frightened, Rebecca takes an instinctive step backward. Burny's mouth has moved all the way into a horrible grin. Rebecca wants to escape, but anger at having been humiliated by this miserable jerk lets her hold her ground. â€Å"Lady Magowan had a bad, bad nightmare,† Burny informs her. He sounds drugged, or half asleep. â€Å"And Lady Sophie had a nightmare. Only hers was worse.† He giggles. â€Å"The king was in his countinghouse, counting out his honeys. That's what Sophie saw when she fell asleep.† His giggling rises in pitch, and he says something that might be â€Å"Mr. Munching.† His lips flap, revealing yellow, irregular teeth, and his sunken face undergoes a subtle change. A new kind of intelligence seems to sharpen his features. â€Å"Does you know Mr. Munshun? Mr. Munshun and his li'l friend Gorg? Does you know what happened in Chicago?† â€Å"Stop this right now, Mr. Burnside.† â€Å"Duz you know uff Fridz Haarman, him who wazz zo loff-ly? Dey called him, dey called him, dey called him ‘da Vamp, Vamp, Vamp of Hanover,' yez dey dud, dud, dud. Evveybuddy, evveybuddy, evvey-buddy haz godz nide-marez all da dime, dime, dime, ha ha ho ho.† â€Å"Stop talking like that!† Rebecca shouts.†You're not fooling me!† For a moment, the new intelligence flares within Burny's dim eyes. It almost instantly retreats. He licks his lips and says, â€Å"Way-gup, Burn-Burn.† â€Å"Whatever,† Rebecca says. â€Å"Dinner is downstairs at seven, if you want it. Go take a nap or something, will you?† Burny gives her a peeved, murky look and plops a foot down on the floor, beginning the tedious process that will turn him around again. â€Å"You could write it down. Fritz Haarman. In Hanover.† His mouth twists into a smile of unsettling slyness. â€Å"When the king comes here, maybe we can dance together.† â€Å"No, thanks.† Rebecca turns her back on the old horror and clacks down the hallway on her high heels, uncomfortably aware of his eyes following her. Rebecca's nice little Coach handbag lies flat on her desk in the windowless vestibule to Chipper's office. Before going in, she pauses to rip off a sheet of notepaper, write down Fritz Harmann(?), Hanover(?), and slip the paper into the bag's central compartment. It might be nothing it probably is but who knows? She is furious that she let Burnside frighten her, and if she can find a way to use his nonsense against him, she will do her best to expel him from Maxton's. â€Å"Kiddo, is that you?† Chipper calls out. â€Å"No, it's Lady Magowan and her freakin' nightmare.† She strides into Chipper's office and finds him behind his desk, happily counting out the bills contributed that afternoon by the sons and daughters of his clientele. â€Å"My li'l Becky looks all ticked off,† he says. â€Å"What happened, one of our zombies stomp on your foot?† â€Å"Don't call me Becky.† â€Å"Hey, hey, cheer up. You won't believe how much your silver-tongued boyfriend conned out of the relatives today. A hundred and twenty-six smackers! Free money! Okay, what went wrong, anyhow?† â€Å"Charles Burnside spooked me, that's what. He ought to be in a mental hospital.† â€Å"Are you kidding? That particular zombie is worth his weight in gold. As long as Charles Burnside can draw breath into his body, he will always have a place in my heart.† Grinning, he brandishes a handful of bills. â€Å"And if you have a place in my heart, honey-baby, you'll always have a place at Maxton's.† The memory of Burnside saying, The king was in his countinghouse, counting out his honeys makes her feel unclean. If Chipper were not grinning in that exultant, loose-lipped way, Rebecca supposes, he would not remind her so unpleasantly of his favorite resident. Evveybuddy haz godz nide-marez all da dime, dime, dime that wasn't a bad description of the Fisherman's French Landing. Funny, you wouldn't think Old Burny would take more notice of those murders than Chipper. Rebecca had never heard him mention the Fisherman's crimes, apart from the time he groused that he would not be able to tell anyone he was going fishing until Dale Gilbertson finally got off his big fat butt, and what kind of crappy deal was that?

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Preparing a solution of primary standard Essay

Purpose The purpose of this experiment is to to prepare a solution of primary standard of potassium hydrogenphthalate C8H5O4K, which can be used to standardise water-soluble bases such as sodium hydroxide solution. Formula: n= m/M and c= n/V Theory Many common reagents are supplied in an impure state or they can easily pick up moisture from the atmosphere, or may be supplied as concentrated solutions of an uncertain concentration. As a consequence, solutions made from such substances must be stanardised against a substance of known purity. We call them primary standards. Chemicals à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Potassium hydrogenphthalate (C8H5O4K) Apparatus à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ top loading balance (weighing scale) à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ weighing bottle à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ beaker à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ volumetric flask Procedure à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ We started by weighing 5 g of potassium hydrogenphthalate accurately in a weighing bottle. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ I poured the content of the weighing bottle into a beaker and i reweighed the the weighing bottle. I also made sure that no residue of the chemical was left in the weighing bottle. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ I added about 100 ml of distilled water to the beaker and stired it until it dissolved the hydrogenphthalate. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ I transferred the solution from the beaker to a 250 cm3 voumetric flask. i washed the beaker several times and poured the content into the volumetric flask just to make sure that no residue of the chemical was left in the beaker. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ I put in more distilled water in the volumetric flask until the volume was 250 cm3 and mixed it thoroughly. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ I labeled my flask with my initials, date and content. Data Weight of weighing bottle and hydrogenphthalate: 5.964 g Volume of solution: 250 cm3 Calculation mass of weighing bottle and content: 5.96 +_ 0.01g mass of weighing bottle: .96 +_ 0.01 g mass of C8H5O4K :uncertainity : 0.01+0.01= +_0.02 molar mass of potassium hydrogen phtalate: 0.01g/mol molar mass of potassium hydrogenphthalate. 204.286 g/mol +_ .2 +_ .089 % mass of weighing bottle and contents, m1 5.964 g +- .001 mass of weighing bottle, m2 0.962 g à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½+_ .001 mass of potassium hydrogenphthalate m=m1-m2 5.002 g +_ .002 +_ 0.385% amount of potassium hydrogenphthalate, n= m/M 0.024 moles +_0.475% We also know the volume of the solution to be 25 dm3, so putting all these values in the formula. uncetainty for volume: +_ 0.0005% c = n/V so concentration of potassium hydrogenphthalate c= 0.09612 mol/dm3 % uncertainty :0.00012%+0.475%= .47512% Uncertainty/Error Tap water contains chemicals and other impurities and is not suitable for making up solutions so we should always use distilled water for making solution. i have also noted margin of error of different appratus and all calculations have been made keeping in mind the margin of error.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Rights of Women in Saudi Arabia

â€Å"Women’s rights are human rights† is an important message which Plan Canada’s â€Å"Because I am a Girl† campaign has adopted. The rights of women around the world have an effect on everybody in the world, including males. According to the Global Gender Gap Report 2009 the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ranked 130th out of 134 countries on the Global Gender Gap Index in 2009 (Hausmann, Tyson, & Zahidi, 2009). In Saudi Arabia, women are often suppressed in society and are noted as having the rights of minors.Saudi women are subject to unjust laws, sexist family code, and tainted education systems. This systemic inequality towards women must change. Many of the so-called laws in Saudi Arabia are in fact not written laws. Often individual judges use their own discretion when punishing people for their crimes as based upon Sharia. Sharia is defined by Oxford dictionary as â€Å"Islamic canonical law based on the teachings of the Koran and the traditions of the Prophet (Hadith and Sunna), prescribing both religious and secular duties and sometimes retributive penalties for law breaking.†This can often lead to rulings that follow archaic religious rituals; although it should be noted that Sharia in itself is not sexist, but rather common Saudi Arabian cultural interpretation is sexist. Women are often subject to punishment for acts that are often not thought of as crimes in the Western world. A particularly disturbing case of this was in 2007 when a Saudi court issued a preposterous sentence to a gang-rape victim. The girl had gotten into a car with a boy she knew from her school because he had a picture of her.His having the picture of her was taboo as she was soon to marry another man. Both the boy and girl who were in the car were kidnapped and all involved were punished. The female victim was sentenced to 90 lashings for having had contact with men who were not relatives of hers. Her sentence was later upped to 200 lashes and six months in jail because her defense lawyer had begged for compassion (Vankin, 2013). Having women who have been raped receiving lashings because they dared enter a car with a man is a despicable reason to punish someone.At this point in Saudi Arabia there is also a driving ban in effect for women. Though it is not technically illegal, Saudi Arabia refuses to issue licenses to women and by law drivers must have a license (Jabeena, 2012). Though women have protested by driving, the ban remains in place and women do get punished for driving. This is a blatant denial of a path to independence for women. Although laws in Saudi Arabia are not always written laws, harsh punishment (especially towards women) often occurs and is tainted due to the variation of interpretation of the law by judges.Females in Saudi are also required to have a male guardian at all ages. This male guardian can be a father, husband, brother, and even grandson based on the woman’s specific circumstances. Thes e male guardians may be responsible for giving women permission to marry, divorce, travel, undergo certain surgeries, seek employment, and many other major decisions or matters in the woman’s life (Human Rights Watch, 2008). This treatment seems demeaning and acts as a way to keep women overpowered in the country. There are activists whom are very much against the guardianship custom.In particular one Saudi widow, Wajeha Al-Huwaider stated that it was absurd because â€Å"If I wanted to get married, I would have to get the permission of my son. † She is 45 and her son is 17. Should a 17 year old boy really not only be able to, rather encouraged or enforced to make a life-altering decision for a 45 year old woman? Though some activists have tried to abolish this way of living, all attempts have failed thus far. The ideas that many Saudi Arabian conservatives hold of how women should be treated and viewed under the law are nothing short of severely outdated.The necessary male guardian is a tool of mass suppression that provides no benefit to the women of the Kingdom. These ideas tie in closely to the family code that is expected to be upheld in Saudi society. Saudi Arabian views on women’s rights are widely based on traditional culture. Even though forced marriages are now illegal in Saudi Arabia, the marriage contract is strictly between the groom and the bride’s male guardian (Social Institutions & Gender Index, 2011). This implies that even though a woman cannot legally be forced to marry a certain man, the man she marries must have the approval of her male guardian.Saudi family law also makes it very hard for women to obtain a divorce; they must provide a good circumstance and evidence to support it whereas men are able to obtain a divorce without question (Social Institutions & Gender Index, 2011). This makes it inherently difficult for a woman to leave a relationship, even if it is abusive or otherwise harmful to her. Traditiona l Saudi Arabian cultural practices remain in practice, despite the fact that they are wildly inappropriate for the times.Though literacy rates of Saudi Arabian females are seemingly quite advanced at 82.2%, which is close to the 90. 8% literacy rate of males (CIA Factbook, 2011), the quality of female education is lower than that of males. Schools, from primary to post-secondary education are segregated by sex. This segregation allows for different curricula to be used and for women to learn about their role as a nurturing mother and wife as dictated by commonly accepted Wahabi beliefs (AlMunajjed, 1997). Having differences in the curricula that are used is an outrageous disadvantage to the women trying to become equal to their male counterparts.Another hardship that women seeking an education in Saudi Arabia must face is that of transportation. Women are not allowed to drive and living at their university, away from their male guardian is often strongly discouraged by family (Rawaf & Simmons, 1991). This can cause a tremendous barrier between women and higher education. Therefore, although girls are required to complete some level of education and are able to attend post-secondary institutions, they are not receiving the same quality of education as boys and they have limitations in post-secondary as well.Katy Watson (2012), a reporter for BBC News, found that: Despite the fact that it [the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia] spends heavily on educating both men and women – 60% of those who graduate from Saudi's universities are female – only 17% of women are actually in the job market. That compares with 75% of men. There are many reasons why this may be true, but the lack of equal education does not help the situation. Saudi Arabians must modernize their view on women.The discriminatory laws, chauvinistic familial structure, and corrupt education systems are unacceptable, especially in the world today. By having men and women equals, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will have a significantly improved human rights rating. Steps toward equality within the country would also help Saudi’s relationship with other countries. Thus, the elimination (or near elimination) of sexism towards women in Saudi Arabia would ultimately help with world peace.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Political Environment of Firms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Political Environment of Firms - Essay Example Brazil Aerospace It got started when the government gave technological support to private firms through the Centro Tecnico da Aeronautica (CTA) established in 1947 in Sao Paulo, being the most advanced research institution among the industrializing countries. The state allowed private ownership to the production of aerospace but gave the technological support and increased allocation of resources in science and technology. The partnership between the public and the military allowed the advancement of the industry (Goldstein, 2022, pp. 525). For national security, Brazil could not depend on imported military equipment and it could not also allow them to be produced by foreign manufactures, the industry was owned fully by the government but was governed by private law and was managed by a competent autonomous management that created good relations between the management and the Ministry of Aeronautics. The ministry made the local environment complimentary due to financial, fiscal, mark eting, regulatory and international responsibilities. The firm also got financing through a state development bank which benefited from tax holidays. Production began in 1970 with the support from foreign partners and negotiated co-production and licensing in order to achieve faster market penetration by assembling other those producing high-tech components. The two best seller planes were national design although most parts were imported. The company also collaborate with many firms to supply final components. The strategy which worked is the partnership between the multinational corporation, local private entrepreneurs, and state owned enterprises that had accumulated huge resources. The company also focussed on the export market and allowed longer production runs and stimulated customers to bring in new ideas for technical change and the demand for exemplary performance standards. The aircrafts were sold to Middle East markets and the foreign exchange was important. This success continued up to 1990s when another model was launched. The worsening economy led to conglomeration and new ownership designed a new organization charts (Lebouc, 1980, pp 43). The Aerospace of Indonesia It was developed by an individual called Habibie after completing a doctorate in engineering who returned in Indonesia in 1974 and was appointed by President Suharto as Research and Technology Minister in 1978. Habibie argued that an aerospace was a strategic national necessity and that technological excellence was necessary for achieving national independence as well as acceleration for economic stimulation. This would lead to cultural and political integrity. Although Indonesia has shallow technological base with underdeveloped capital goods and weak domestic capabilities, to absorb and produce technological goods the minister decided to steer into full assembly. He took control of the procurement of the industry and he has good government finance control (Makka, 1996, pp 123). The international manufacturers saw an attractive Indonesia market and MBB licensed IPTN to assemble a helicopter and other smaller aircrafts. The first assembly was in 1983 and despite the many difficulties certification was secured from the U.S. and many Muslim countries. This gave Indonesia a lot of prestige. The IPTN strove to become an international subcontractor and at sometime, Boeing sent over 50

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Leadership Interview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Leadership Interview - Essay Example For this I made several trips to California, New York, Florida and even Hong Kong. My perseverance paid and I finally tracked a supplied that fit the bill. I am obliged not to reveal his name. This supplier is very selective and prefers to deal with customers directly without any middlemen. I got to see the owner, who is very reclusive, after eight attempts and he agreed to supply fresh fish to me after I made a solemn promise not to overcharge my customers. I consider this as the greatest challenge I faced in my business life. A. I believe my patience is the biggest asset. This behaviour contributes to my effectiveness in my leadership role. I give a lot of time to hearing to everyone’s problems and suggestions, be it the employee and customer. That is why, despite other commitments, I see to it that I arrive early at the Restaurant and leave late. I have to be role model for my employees. I offer my quality time to the organization in my endeavour to satisfy everyone. A. I look up to my Chef who has contributed the most to make me a competent Leader that I am today. Without his unflinching support and suggestions Things could not have run as smoothly as it does now. Why, he even stays back with me and leaves when I do. He is the backbone of my business. A. As an Asian I regard respect to be the highest ethical value in life. Respecting others, be they owners, employees, customers, and people with better knowledge enhance your learning and experience. Before being proud of one’s own achievement one should always remember that it is the result of teamwork. I remind myself daily of this fact. This is my ethical challenge. Perseverance is a result of tirelessly raising quality standards and attempting to reach them. Once achieved the level has to be maintained and sustained constantly. This requires self-monitoring. Initially it may also require some mentoring and seeking of knowledge. It is a

Integration of Motivational Interviewing and Cognitive Behavioural Essay

Integration of Motivational Interviewing and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for the treatment of Depression - Essay Example During her late twenties, Kate was easily fatigued even when she was resting. She experienced fatigue even when she had slept for more hours than she was used to there before. At twenty-nine, she could barely do anything as she had decreased body energy. This made her skip even the basic chores at her home and threatening her career. Her parent having noticed the problem she was undergoing decided to take to the hospital where she was hospitalized for a severe case of depression. She was treated extensively with pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy for over few years (NYU Langone, n.d.). At the age of 35, Kate expressed persistent attitude signs and a serious cognitive dysfunction. For the next three years, Kate underwent several medication from MRI testing, EEG, sleep studies and several neuropsychological testing. All of the medication that Kate underwent were not successful until she was thirty-eight years old. She diagnosed with a neurological disease known as Lyme disease at 38 years. However, after diagnose she was treated by antibiotics and other over-the-counter drugs supplements. This did not help her even after being treated with transcranial magnetic stimulation and hyperbaric oxygen. Having undergone through medication for over ten years without signs and indication of improvement, she quit medication and all another psychotherapy. She resulted to neuropsychiatric remedies and sought help from Scott Hirsch, a professor of psychiatry and neurology at Langone Medical Center (NYU Langone, n.d.). The patient was so anxious and hopeless because her problem had persisted to her old age and affected all her dreams in life. Though she demonstrated a high level of intelligence, she had slowed response to actions. Doctors conducted segmental neurological diagnoses, but there were no signs of dyskinesia, myoclonus and tics (NYU Langone, n.d.). The patient though exhibiting cognitive symptoms no neuropsychological clinical analysis indicated that

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Make the topic, whatever you choose as the product Research Paper

Make the topic, whatever you choose as the product - Research Paper Example gy that produces the best quality, it uses reliable testing techniques and various quality assurance principles that make its products more appealing and long lasting (Licari 2005). Vaskovà ¡ and Vaskovà ¡ (2010) point out that the benefit of using the this type of website in conducting business is that the efficiency of communication between the supplier and the buyer is greatly improved that the buyer can easily communicate with the supplier on the type of products that are available and even the ordering process of the available products by the buyer is made easy. One drawback of using this website is that there are various security concerns that might jeopardize the transaction process. The main security threat is that the information of the transaction can be accessed by the hackers who are malicious and can use the information to their own advantage for example these individuals can access the bank details thus stealing money from either the supplier or the buyer. It is reasonable to speculate that most trade SME’s will take place in the context of sites like because most of the sites are growing at a faster rate and are categorized as either medium or small enterprises as this will help to dive innovation and competition in the various existing economic sectors. The transactions that are conducted in the various sites that are available today help in building trust in the people that use the site to conduct business, therefore, the transparency of any site depends on the honesty of the owners in delivering what they are mandated to do. Fraud is a usual occurrence in the internet since there are many fraudsters who act as imposters for their own selfish gains, therefore, any individual who conducts business through various sites should be cautious of the fraudsters in the marketplace. The global financial crisis will create an opportunity for sites like in that these small and medium enterprises will have the ab ility to create

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Evaluate returns predictability Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Evaluate returns predictability - Coursework Example This paper has two sections; in the first section it discusses empirical evidence on the predictability of excess of returns by the technical analysis method, the second section is devoted to evaluating whether return predictability is a good test for market efficiency. Gustafsson (2012) conducted a research on how the stock market performed relatively to the predictions by the technical analysis method in the Swedish stock market. According to technical analysis assumed that successive returns were related. In other words, positive returns in a given time period would be followed by equally positive returns in the same period of the subsequent year. On the basis of the above assumption, Gustafsson (2012) wanted to test the hypothesis that successes in the stock market were independent. Among other tests, the research summarized results from various trading rules to test whether a technical analysis would have been used to accurately predict recurring price patterns and hence returns. The research found out that the comparison between 2001-12-28 and 2011-12-30, the average daily return was 0.0184% for the buy and hold strategy, with a standard deviation of 0.016 and the total number of trading days was 2517. With this statistic, the t-statistic for the buy and hold strategy was 0.58. This study made reached some interesting conclusions from the data. Interestingly, it found out that the introduction of RSI and the RSIstoch that indicates the directional strength of price changes had an impact on the return predictability. Further, the findings lend to the support of the assumption that technical analysis can be used to predict future price movements. This is because; average daily buy-day returns were significantly larger than average daily-sell returns. As such, it meant that the technical trading rules also had a

Monday, September 23, 2019

Philosophy and theory of architecture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words - 1

Philosophy and theory of architecture - Essay Example In so doing, it discusses the roots of this phenomenon, and surveys the different phases it has been and is going through and its physical spread and influence as well. That is, it takes a tour through both changes over time as well as spatially. The focus is mainly on the architecture of Buddhist temples, particularly those found in China. However, as the reader will come to know, if not known already, in Buddhism there is a variety of buildings that are considered as religious or spiritual spaces besides temples. A case study is made of the Baima Si, which is the White Horse Temple in the Henan province of China. This temple (Si) was chosen for its historical significance, as will be explained later, as well as the fact that it represents a unique amalgamation of architectural styles. It also functioned as a model for other such buildings and thereby played a pivotal role in moulding a special wave of thinking on architecture, which makes it deserve serious attention. For contrasti ve purposes, important comparisons are also drawn with architectural features belonging to Buddhist temples elsewhere in the world, especially in other Far Eastern countries that are heartlands of Buddhism. In addition, some comparisons are also highlighted between Buddhist architecture and what is found in other religious architectural expressions, especially of Christian, Hindu and Islamic origin. After the distinguishing and other special features are identified for Chinese Buddhist temples, an attempt is then made to explain these and the philosophy behind them. Buddhist architecture In Buddhism, although the temple is the main place for spiritual practices, there are also other spiritual spaces. These are the pagodas, which are towers like broader based minarets, stupas, which are dome shaped monuments, and grottos, which are caves used for specific spiritual practices within a more isolated environment. They are all holy and made to be serene and tranquil. The temples function more as monasteries for collective practices. As far as Chinese temples are concerned, Buddhist philosophy has been described as the greatest impetus behind religious art and architecture in China (Phuoc, 2010). Initially, Buddhism was practised in ordinary settings in China, such as people’s houses, but as demand grew, then special buildings were constructed. These buildings proved to be far more interesting than the Confucian and Taoist places and rich in architectural detail reflecting an equally richer philosophy. Hindu and Islamic philosophies of architecture share some commonality with Buddhist architecture. The Hindu influence is mostly evident in the early temples. Thus, there is a direct connection with Hindu architecture as they gave roots to Buddhist architecture. Connections with other religions are more indirect. A prominent style of Christian architecture was Gothic architecture during the medieval period. This was related with scholastic philosophy (Radding & Clark, 1994) in which there was an attempt to develop a comprehensive and integrated solution for various tasks including the construction of churches. An interesting parallel is drawn between the ideas of St. Thomas Aquinas who was one of these aforementioned philosophers and Buddhist architecture in that he saw churches as symbolising heaven on earth. This is similar in some ways to the Buddhist concept of heaven but with some fundamental differences. Whereas only one heaven is envisaged in Christianity

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Definition Courage Essay Example for Free

Definition Courage Essay All of us trust the dictionary to give us the full understanding of a word we do not know. In this aspect, it is insufficient when it describes courage. While it defines physical courage, it omits inner courage which can be argued to be much more valuable to posses. Webster’s New World Dictionary describes courage as â€Å"an attitude of facing and dealing with anything recognized as dangerous, difficult or painful, instead of withdrawing from it†. Courage is not the ability to be brave or to laugh in the face of danger. Courage is not risking your life for justice. Courage is not a person who agrees to fight, but he who can stand up against it. Courage is not something you can define entirely, and therefore can vary between each person. It can be said that a little girl who ventures out on her bike for the first time displays as much courage as a man jumping into a lake to save a drowning woman, knowing he cannot swim. Courage is a state of mind that enables a person to overcome fear, pain, danger or hardship. Although different from one another, all aspects of courage involve taking risks. Physical courage is facing your fears of possible bodily harm. A fireman rushing into a burning building, a woman running across thin- ice to save a child that has just fallen through, an officer charging into a building to save a hostage. These are all examples of physical courage. Mental courage is standing up to your phobias. While some fear heights, I myself fear speaking in front of a large audience. A son who overcomes his fear of flying to be by his dying mothers side is mental courage that cannot be fully measured or explained. Mental courage is the ability to overcome tragedy and to move forward in the face of sheer defeat. Mental courage is a man finding out he has a brain tumor, and still cherishing and living life to the fullest. Mental courage is taking care of your brother and sister following the death of their parents. The word courage comes from the Latin word cor, meaning heart. It derives from the belief that all feelings begin in the heart. The definitions given to all of us do not suffice because they lack depth and clarity. Mental courage, while not mentioned, and not defined, is portrayed in all of us on a daily basis; and should be along-side physical courage in the references we rely on.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Diabetes Mellitus: Causes And Effect

Diabetes Mellitus: Causes And Effect Diabetes Mellitus is considered one of the major health threats diseases that affect people nowadays. It affects both genders male and female within different age group. However, it is mainly occurs as a result of insulin secretion disorder. Every person is different, so Diabetes Mellitus treatment will be tailored to needs. There are lists of common drugs prescribed in Bahrain clinics which are along with a proper diet and exercise help in controls high glucose level in the blood and also help in reduce complication of Diabetes Mellitus such as kidney damage, eye blindness, nerve problems, loss of limbs, and sexual function problems. Proper control of diabetes Mellitus also reduces the risk of a stroke and heart attacks. Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic medical condition, mean in controlled it is restore life time. There are two major type of Diabetes Mellitus known as type 1(IDDM) or Juvenile Diabetes Mellitus and type 2 (NIDM). This topic was selected to obtain more details regardin g this disease to help people in elevate their knowledge and awareness about Diabetes Mellitus prevention to reduce its complication. This paper on Diabetes Mellitus in both genders will include general information of the disease, symptoms, causes and risk factors of Diabetes Mellitus. Finally, the effects, treatment and prevention of the disease will also be considered in this paper. Types of Diabetes Mellitus There are two main kinds of Diabetes Mellitus are type 1(IDDN), type 2 (NIDM), and Gestational Diabetes Mellitus considered as a hired type only during pregnancy. Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, formerly called insulin-dependent diabetes or Juvenile diabetes, it is usually diagnosed in children and teenagers. In this kind of diabetes, the beta cell of the pancreas failed in produce insulin because the bodyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s immune system has attacked and destroyed them. Treatment for type 1 diabetes includes taking insulin shots or using an insulin pump, diet healthy food, regular exercise, control blood pressure and cholesterol. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 diabetes, formerly known adult-onset or non insulin dependent diabetes most common kind of diabetes. People can develop type 2 diabetes at any age, even childhood. This form of diabetes usually starts with insulin resistance, a condition in which fat, muscle, and liver cells do not utilized insulin properly. At first, the pancreas adjusts with the added demand by producing more insulin. In time, however, it loses the ability to secrete enough insulin in response to meals. People who are overweight and inactive are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. Treatment includes taking diabetes medicines, control healthy diet, regular exercise, control blood pressure and cholesterol, and taking aspirin daily. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Some women develop gestational diabetes late in pregnancy peroid. Although this Kind of diabetes usually disappear after the baby is born, a woman who has had gestational diabetes is at risk to develop type 2 diabetes later in life. Gestational diabetes is caused by the hormones of pregnancy or deficiency of insulin. Signs and symptoms The early symptoms of untreated diabetes are related to elevated blood glucose levels, and loss of glucose in the urine. Increase glucose in the urine cause excessive urine output which lead to dehydration. Dehydration causes increased of thirst and water consumption. The inability of insulin to perform normally has effects on protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Insulin is an anabolic hormone, that is, encourages storage of fat and protein. Insulin deficiency leads to weight loss despite an increase in appetite. Some un treated diabetes patients also complain of fatigue, nausea and vomiting. Patients with diabetes are easily developing infections of the bladder, skin, and vaginal areas. Fluctuations in blood glucose levels can cause blurred vision. Extremely elevation of glucose levels can lead to lethargy and coma. The inability of insulin to perform normally has effects on protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Causes and effects of drugs for diabetes Diabetes mellitus is major health problem in whole world nowadays. It has been affecting both sexes; males and females with in all age group. Infarct, there are certain causes that lead people to use anti high per glycemia medications for type 2 and human insulin for type1, like heredity, social status and psychological condition. In addition, there are also certain effects resulted from misused of diabetes drug such as complications of diseases. To begin with, there are several causes that lead people to become diabetes mellitus. .First of all, many people get diabetes mellitus because of heredity. For example, genetic and hormonal problem lead people to get type2 and specially type 1 diabetes mellitus. The life style of some people also plays a role in being diabetes mellitus type2.If people do not practice enough or proper exercise and they are not aware of the quality and quantity of the food, they will certainly end up in raising their blood glucose. Last but not least, the psychological condition has a great influence on some people to become diabetes mellitus specially those who suffer from certain emotional or stress problems. As a result of above, there are certain effects that might result from being diabetes mellitus. To start with, diabetes people always suffer from some diseases such as blindness to, kidney failure, disease atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and strokes. Genetic Risk Factor Diabetes Mellitus has grater risk among type 1 (Juvenile Diabetes Mellitus) whose parent or relative side have history of type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM), (David K, 2008). Social Risk Factor The life style of some people also plays a role in being diabetes mellitus type2.If people do not practice enough or proper exercise and they are not aware of the quality and quantity of the food. There also another risk factor which is over weight or obesity which play a big role in Diabetes Mellitus especially type 2 (NIDM). Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) Risk Factor Women who have gestational diabetes during their pregnancy are more prone to get diabetes Mellitus type 2 (NIDM) in future. And complication of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus lead to get big birth baby weight, defect of lung surfactant which cause a respiratory distress syndrome , shoulder dystocia , and cesarean suction delivery to prevent further complication of both mother and baby. Diabetes Mellitus diagnostics Test The fasting blood glucose test is the way to diagnose diabetes after the person has fasten overnight for eight hours, a sample of blood collection for analysis .Normal fasting blood glucose is lower than (100 mg/dl) which call A/C sugar and if A/C sugar is higher than 126 mg/dl on two or more test on different days is diagnosed as diabetes. Then had breakfast and after two hours second blood sample which known P/C sugar or random sugar , a blood glucose level around 200( mg/dl) or high indicate as diabetes. HBA1C Test This test is usedfor diagnosis, an elevated level of glucose irreversibly bound hemoglobin (termed glycated hemoglobin or HbA1c) of 6.0% or higher is known as abnormal finding by most hospitals laboratories. HBA1C is a therapy and treatment test which reflects blood picture of glucose level over preceding ninety days is the average lifetime or red blood cell which consists of hemoglobin; some doctors request this type of test during diagnosis to evaluate changes of HBA1C, the range recommended for glycated hemoglobin is 6.5% in diabetes patient. Complication of Diabetes Mellitus Kidney Complications in diabetes Diabetes affect kidney and it normal function, the urine test done to measure the quantity of the protein (albumin) in urine that is to determine kidney function affected by the especially kidney filteration, presence albumin is early indicator of kidney complication is a nephropathy. the regular checkup especially for type one diabetes mellitus after five years from diagnosis and for type two at the time of diagnosis and if the test show presence of protein in the urine preventive measures should be considered . Hypertension and related complication in diabetes Most diabetes clients complain of high blood pressure, elevation of blood pressure stresses the cardiovascular system, by causesing some symptoms which helped to increase development of diabetic complications such as kidney and eye. High blood pressure diagnose by measuring blood pressure on a regular basis. Normal reading is 130/80. Diabetic people who are not suffer of kidney complication to reduce blood pressure 120/75 as well as for people complain of kidney complication. Cardiovascular Complications There are certain factors helped to increase cardiovascular complication such as smoking cigarettes, uncontrol blood pressure, highperlipidemia and alcohol consumption. Lifestyle stresses increased risk of cardiovascular disease, which can cause myocardial infarction (heart attack), angina (chest pain), stroke, and death. Retinopathy Complications It is amicrovascular disease with no signs or symptoms, and I is common disease cause blindness in diabetes mellitus both types 1 and type 2.which detected by retinal examination, by proper treatment, well control blood glucose level and early detection help to prevent loss of vision. Neuropathy Complictions It is a microvascular disease as a result of nerve ischemia, the nerve function affect due to increase glucose level in the blood. There are different types such as autonomic, neuropathy mononeuropathy, radiculopathy and symmetric polyneuropathy (with small- and large-fiber variants). The common type is the symmetric polyneuropathy which affect distal hand and feet. It manifests as, paresthesisa, dysesthesias, orapainless of sense touch and vipration. And the symptoms of lower extremities as follow cause foot traumma froil-fitting shoes and abnormal weight bearing which cause foot ulceration and infection or fracture. (Jill. P, 2007). Treatments Controlling blood sugar is necessary to avoid future complications of Diabetes Mellitus there are certain ways of treatments help to control elevation of blood glucose level will start now with medication that used in diabetes mellitus management first of all is: Insulin therapy Insulin is use as treatment in both types of diabetes mellitus especially for type one which works as insulin replacement therapy. There are several types of insulin help in control high blood sugar , the most common types such as Actropid , NPH , Lantus and Novopen insulin . And the more popular types of oral hypoglycemia like for example tablet Metaformin 500 mg and 1000 mg, tablet Dionail 5 mg and 10 mg and table 30 mg. Exercise Therapy Program Physical activity helps in transportation of sugar in to the body cell, which is use for energy the more use of exercise help to reduce high blood sugar, and makes the insulin receptors or cells more sensitive to the hormone thus improves the utilization of available glucose more over it is also improve blood circulation and cardiovascular fitness, reduced blood hyperlipedemia. Physical activity also promotes weight reduction and help to reduce tension and stress. Foot Care Prevention Program Diabetes Mellitus affect blood circulation which leads reduction of blood supply to lower extremities and that change put the feet at high risk to develop potential complications. foot complications are more common regarding diabetes mellitus patient ,for that health care providers instruct diabetes patients to do home self examination to their foot. Foot Self Exam Advise Diabetes Mellitus people to examine their feet daily, full feet and especially between the toes. And to look for any cut wound, ulcer and broken skin or change color this examination can be done during bath time. A mirror can help in examination or one of family member. In conclusion there are certain causes and risk factors that lead to diabetes mellitus. Diabetes mellitus is a major health problem, and considered to be silent illnesses which affect all body parts .Therefore people should be aware their illness and it is complication and also identified the types of diabetes mellitus with some common types of medication. Finally, show also the causes and effects of the disease and how to diagnose the disease.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Ibis Hotel Introduction

The Ibis Hotel Introduction Ibis is Europes leading budget hotel with more than 950 hotels in 55 countries; ibis offers its customers the highest level of service and ultimate comfort in its category at the best market prices. The ibis standard guarantees its customers around the world offer homogeneous: a modern room, connected and soundproofed bedding to innovative comfort, breakfast from 4am to noon and a varied cuisine. In this ultimate comfort the ibis room: became modern, comfortable and fully equipped, all hotels in the network, the ibis room is designed to offer its customers a happy sleep and the ability to work calmly: soundproof, connected to the Wi-Fi hotel, with a flat-screen LCD TV, a spacious bathroom and a work desk. New bedding to comfort Ibis, happy sleep specialist, has developed a concept of innovative and revolutionary bedding. The pillows are generous, welcoming duvet and mattress adapts perfectly to your body for a deep, restful sleep. And the secret weapon of ibis a mattress 7 cm more comfort for soft sensations. Unprecedented in the economy segment, the new ibis will change your bed nights. The highest level of service in its class c is enjoy your stay cloudless day and night, our teams are at your disposal Our teams live to the rhythm of your needs and your desires: Front 24h/24, small kitchen ibis at all times and a bar service open continuously. A commitment to quality service Ibis is the first hotel brand to receive economic since 1997, the ISO 9001 quality certification. This International Standard deals with the quality service day and night reception, accommodation, small kitchen ibis, and breakfast from 4am to noon and bar service. Today, 758 ibis hotels in 21 countries are certified ISO 9001 or 84% of the network. The contract Satisfaction 15 minutes Contract Satisfaction 15 minutes is a unique example of this demanding process. If a cloud disturbs the residence of a client, ibis teams give 15 minutes flat for a solution, day and night, and if they cannot hunt that little cloud in the allotted time, the client is invited by the hotel. Ibis pioneering environmental commitment Ibis registered its commitment under PLANET 21, the program of Accors sustainable development. Ibis is the first global chain engaged in the environmental certification ISO 14001 which installs a continuous progress via: a recent on-going compliance regulations continuous improvement: hotels certified are regularly audited to set new goals. Already 420 hotels in 18 countries have achieved ISO 14001 environmental certification. SEVEN P S PRODUIT: The ibis standard guarantees its customers around the world offer homogeneous: a modern room connected and soundproofed bedding to innovative comfort, breakfast from 4am to noon and a varied cuisine, Attentive and efficient. PRICE: According the price of ibis is one of the major determinants of the profitability of the hotel, and the price also depends on which city the hotel is situated, so Ibis Greenwich is little be expensive because of the activity and the advantage that the around him. PLACE: Ibis Greenwich is located in a very charming and cute town, and is located in the heart of Greenwich, near the Maritime Museum, Cutty Sark, and Royal Observatory and the train station PROMOTION: regarding the promotion hotel ibis create a new concept where you reserve 2 nights with Ibis styles every Tuesday and you pay for just 1 night, you can book to in last you will have possibility to get 50% every week end Friday and Saturday. PEOPLE: The Ibis Greenwich has a very friendly receptionist staff and very harsh reception of this profession the qualification requires is GCSE or LEVEL and is depend for which brand or star are you working if you dont have any qualification but you have a motivation for the trade of the Ibis hotel industry hotel will propose you evaluation of training to evolve a team leader to manager. PROCESS: all Ibis customer use internet to book or do they are rooms reservation or, send of Email or calling the line reservation for and all our reservation agent will reply to the customer by email, fax, or post. PHYSICAL EVIDENCE: the hotel is clean, the rooms are clean, quiet, well heated hotel, the staff are presentable and pleasant analysis of the Micro and Macro Environment of hospitality marketing THE MACRO ENVIRONMENT Economy: Consumers spending on hospitality services are discretionary spending. The share of household budgets spent on food away from home declined slightly during the recession of the early 1990s (Putnam and Allshouse 1999). Society and culture: As social and culture values, beliefs, and opinions change, opportunities are created for new products, services, and concepts. As people become more concerned about second-hand smoke, more restaurants, even in states where a complete smoking ban is not required, have become completely smoke free, Hotel also provide non-smoking rooms or floors in response to the contemporary climate of the social environment. Political: the restaurants restaurant industry continues to experience pressure from the government, to improve nutritional labelling or the state and local levels, destination marketing agencies, such as state tourism offices and convention and visitors, play an important role in building sales for the hospitality industry. Technology: the greatest impacts of technology on hospitality operations are in the area of communications and the amount and quality of information available for example computers are used to keep track of a guests history on spending, Hotel offer automatic check in and check out etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Environment: Many hospitality organisations have implemented environment friendly programs like many restaurant serve water only on request, and hotels ask guests to keep towels on the rack if they will be used again so that they will not be washed unnecessarily. The micro environment Competitors the market place for independent operations is much more competitive than it was just a few years ago. The high degree of competition in both the hotel and the restaurant segments affects pricing strategies and all other elements of the marketing mix. And the relatively fragmented nature of the industry means that the environment will remain highly competitive and unpredictable. Customers: families are important to hospitality marketers for two reasons PESTEL POLICAL ECONOMIC SOCIAL TECHNOLOGY environment legal Political The political scene has an enormous influence on the regulation of businesses, the purchasing power of buyers, as well as related companies for this reason, we had to take a look at many criteria policy so that companies can grow and perspective is rather a healthy atmosphere. Economical Marketers need to consider the state of a trading economy in the short and long terms. This is especially true when planning for international marketing. Social and cultural the social and cultural influences on businesses vary from one country to another. It is very important that such factors be considered. What is the dominant religion, what are the place of men and women within the society, what are the reactions when coming to foreign products and services? In the hotel industry the sociological aspects of UK have not really affected the business; UK is a rather open minded country and therefore is easy going for the hotel business. Technological Technology is vital for our competitive advantage, and is a major driver of globalization technology offers companies a new way to communicate with their consumers. With development of internet, most of the bookings are made via internet. Finally technology allows for products and services to be made more cheaply and to a better standard of quality. Environment: PLANET 21 is our 21 commitments to sustainable development. Health, nature, carbon, innovation, local development, employment and dialog: 21 commitments to help the world run a little more smoothly. Legal: these are related to the legal environment in which firms operate. In recent years in the UK there have been many significant legal changes that have affected firms behaviour. Opportunities Development of skills, career opportunity Evolution of poste to another like (the manager at reception), possibility to travel around the world IBIS HOTEL SWOT STRENGTH Located in the heart of Greenwich Near the Maritime Museum, Cutty Sark, And Royal Observatory And train station. The rooms offer satellite TV and internet access. Relax at the bar with a coffee or a glass of wine Let your self be tempted by the snacks and light meals that are offered. Increase the twin rooms Threats There is strong competition in the market, opening of smaller hotel, and client requests a very high qualification Weaknesses The hotel charged me for twice for the same room on the same night, claiming I did not show up for the second of the I could not park at the hotel, the two extremely miserable receptionists offered me the  £10 parking permit which would enable me to park Tiny rooms uncomfortable beds PORTERS FIVE FORCES According to Porter (2001) the internet is an enabling technology that can be used within the context of a good business strategy in any industry. The five forces that impact competitiveness which are outlined in Porters 1980 work are: barriers to entry, threat of substitutes, bargaining power of buyers and sellers, and the rivalry among existing competitors. The most important determinant of a marketplaces profit potential is the intrinsic power of buyers and sellers. Threat of Substitute Goods In the hotel industry there is usually another hotel just around the corner. They appear in all price ranges, with varying levels of service and amenities. The constant challenge will always be to get the guest to choose your hotel over the competitor. The internet makes the overall market more efficient while expanding the size of the potential market and creating new substitution threats. Given the potency of this threat a superb internet presence is vital. Bargaining Power of Buyers Business persons choosing a hotel for business travel are savvy consumers and they are comfortable with computer technology, It has become very simple for them to go online and book a hotel. They no longer need travel agents, corporate travel consultants or middle men of any kind to determine where they will stay. Porters model predicts this elimination of intermediaries. Rivalry among existing competitors The rivalry among competitors in the hotel industry is fierce. When potential customers can learn about a hotel on line, the internet reduces the differences among competitors. People tend to seek the best price for the best experience and the tendency is to reduce price to be competitive. The internet covers wide geographical areas so the market is widened increasing the number of competitors. Barriers to Entry The initial investment in the hotel industry creates quite a barrier to entry but certain barriers to entering the hotel market are reduced by the internet. A presence on the internet reduces upstart marketing costs somewhat, and gives the new competitor access to potential suppliers and resources.. Bargaining power of suppliers While this is not a substantial threat in the hotel industry it can have impact especially in the area of labour. With an aging population, there are fewer people to fill service industry jobs and hotels which can attract excellent staff have a greater chance of providing excellent and exceptional experiences to their clientele. As part of their internet strategy all hotel chains should have a section on recruitment for employment. Segmentation and positioning According to the Ibis website the SEGMENT AND DESIGN is International standardized brand. ROOM SIZE 16/17sqm Can be customized according to market requirements. BEDDING the bed comfort is one of our utmost priorities. We will be launching a new Ultimate Comfort Bed. QUALITY Most of the hotels have been ISO 9001 certi ¬Ã‚ ed. ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLY Over 400 hotels in 17 countries have obtained ISO 14001 Environmental Certi ¬Ã‚ cation. Since its creation in 1974, ibis has expanded continuously and has a network of 957 hotels, 117,171 rooms in 55 countries***. This strong global positioning is the result of an ambitious expansion plan launched in 2007. Branding An ultimate comfort offer the ibis room: modern, comfortable and well-equipped in every hotel of the network, the ibis room is designed to offer to its guests a happy sleep and the possibility to work calmly: soundproof, connected to the hotel Wi-Fi, with a flat screen LCD TV, a spacious bathroom and a desk. Brand new bed, brand new comfort Ibis, the good-nights-sleep specialist, has developed an innovative and revolutionary bedding concept. Pillows are fluffy, the duvet is super-soft and the high-tech mattress aligns with the density points which provide your body, so your sleep will be deep and refreshing. And the ibis secret weapon is a 7cm topper of extra comfort for a soft and welcoming feel. Unique in the economy hotel segment, the new ibis bed will transform your nights. Recommendation Ibis hotel must focus more on business segment and individual travelled, must change they are design room, also enlarge the lobby space. Conclusion The success in the tourism sector is not within the reach of everyone, the trade of the hotel industry and catering require certain qualities very Particular. First of all, and contrary to what we tend to believe that carriers are not easy, they are certainly travel, leisure, pleasure, but the majority of jobs are sedentary serious or stressful.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay --

This also shows early ego deficits at the level of part-object relations formulated by Klein (1975) on early ego deficits. Self-esteem is the main factor perpetuating eating disorder symptoms, then treatment outcome should improve her self-esteem, which in turn improves her symptom in eating disorder (Fairburn et al., 2003; Yellowlees, 1997). Treating self-esteem improved eating disorder symptomatology again was shown by the study by Newns (Newns, Bell, & Thomas, 2003) and raising self-esteem helped to maintain the change that obtained after the treatment (Beresin, Gordon, & Herzog, 1989; Hsu, Crisp, & Callender, 1992; Peterson & Rosenvinge, 2002; Rorty, Yager, & Rossotto, 1993). Ms MA had shown to have chronic low self-esteem since adolescence when her academic performance was worse than all her siblings yet she always put unrealistic goal for herself. In addition, her mother always liked to compare her with other siblings which further lower her self esteem. Subsequently, her fai led marriage life made her self-esteem broken down and she had begun to attempted suicide. She then decided to push herself up and work to support her daughter, so she used â€Å"bulimia† and â€Å"binging† as her defense mechanism and so she could continue to function. Treatment methods could be used for bulimia is: Psychodynamic, Cognitive behavioral and Disease/addiction. A psychodynamic psychotherapy emphasizes internal conflicts, motives, and unconscious forces. The belief is that addressing and resolving the underlying cause for disordered behaviors, they may not return or lapses. (Medina LM, 2003) The most frequently applied concepts of brief psychodynamic psychotherapy have been the methods developed by Luborsky, Horowitz, Shapiro and Firth, and Davanlo... ...ent is important to ensure the success of this treatment. To continue this kind of therapy for too long without symptom change seems unnecessary and unfair. As for Ms M, she has decided to make a change to her obesity and health. In addition, she began to stop her impulsive eating after attending dietitian and Bariatric surgery clinic. Thus, the risk for the symptoms to continue is not existence. The priority now is to raise her self-esteem, to gain her new understanding, to change her interpersonal skill which subsequently ensured long-lasting change. This could be achieved by the psychotherapy to improved her insight and subsequently patient developed a more adaptive way of relieved her stress. While she was attending a nutrition clinic and she was dieting to reduce weight, psychotherapy at this moment would increase her self-esteem and self-confidence to change. Essay -- This also shows early ego deficits at the level of part-object relations formulated by Klein (1975) on early ego deficits. Self-esteem is the main factor perpetuating eating disorder symptoms, then treatment outcome should improve her self-esteem, which in turn improves her symptom in eating disorder (Fairburn et al., 2003; Yellowlees, 1997). Treating self-esteem improved eating disorder symptomatology again was shown by the study by Newns (Newns, Bell, & Thomas, 2003) and raising self-esteem helped to maintain the change that obtained after the treatment (Beresin, Gordon, & Herzog, 1989; Hsu, Crisp, & Callender, 1992; Peterson & Rosenvinge, 2002; Rorty, Yager, & Rossotto, 1993). Ms MA had shown to have chronic low self-esteem since adolescence when her academic performance was worse than all her siblings yet she always put unrealistic goal for herself. In addition, her mother always liked to compare her with other siblings which further lower her self esteem. Subsequently, her fai led marriage life made her self-esteem broken down and she had begun to attempted suicide. She then decided to push herself up and work to support her daughter, so she used â€Å"bulimia† and â€Å"binging† as her defense mechanism and so she could continue to function. Treatment methods could be used for bulimia is: Psychodynamic, Cognitive behavioral and Disease/addiction. A psychodynamic psychotherapy emphasizes internal conflicts, motives, and unconscious forces. The belief is that addressing and resolving the underlying cause for disordered behaviors, they may not return or lapses. (Medina LM, 2003) The most frequently applied concepts of brief psychodynamic psychotherapy have been the methods developed by Luborsky, Horowitz, Shapiro and Firth, and Davanlo... ...ent is important to ensure the success of this treatment. To continue this kind of therapy for too long without symptom change seems unnecessary and unfair. As for Ms M, she has decided to make a change to her obesity and health. In addition, she began to stop her impulsive eating after attending dietitian and Bariatric surgery clinic. Thus, the risk for the symptoms to continue is not existence. The priority now is to raise her self-esteem, to gain her new understanding, to change her interpersonal skill which subsequently ensured long-lasting change. This could be achieved by the psychotherapy to improved her insight and subsequently patient developed a more adaptive way of relieved her stress. While she was attending a nutrition clinic and she was dieting to reduce weight, psychotherapy at this moment would increase her self-esteem and self-confidence to change.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Report on Classification Of Business Essay -- Business and Management

Report on Classification Of Business Classification of Businesses according to their types of activity: Primary Sector Businesses: The gathering of raw materials, such as fish, oil, or coal from the land or sea or growing using the earth to grow things such as crops or trees Examples: Rio Tinto (Mining), JCI Gold (Mining), Anglo Amer (Mining), BP (Oil and Gas), and Soco International (Oil and Gas). Secondary Sector Businesses: The processing of raw materials into finished goods. Examples of this are food production, computer component manufacture, and car manufacture. Examples: Schweppes (Food and Drink), Unilever (Food and Drink), Intel (Computer Component Production) and Ati (Computer Component Production). Tertiary Sector Businesses: This sector contains organisations supplying services, and includes both commercial services providers (banking, finance and retail), as well as direct service providers (Health and education). Examples: Stagecoach (Transport), British Airways (Transport), CGNU (Insurance), BT (Telecommunications) and Natwest (Banking). Classification of Business According to their Broad Ownership: Public Sector: The part of an economy that consists of state owned institutions, including nationalised industries and services provided by local authorities. Examples: BBC (Television Broadcast), Post Office (Communications), and The National Grid (Electrical Distribution). Public Companies: Companies whose shares may be purchased by the public and traded freely on the open market and whose share capital is not less than a statutory minimum. Examples: Marconi (Communications and Defence), Sony (Electrical Equipment), Hitachi (Electrical Equipment). Classification of Business according to their Size: Number of Employees: Total Number of people employed by a company. Currently the top company in the UK using this method is; Unilever (Food Products) (261, 000 employees) Profit: Total amount of capital left after deducting all costs. Currently the top company in the UK using this method is; Royal Dutch/Shell Group (Oil and Gas) ($M12, 719) Market Capitalisation: The value of 1 share times the amount of shares. Currently the top company in the UK using this method is; Royal Dutch/Shell Group (Oil and Gas) ($M216, 361) Revenue: The gross income a business enterprise, usually... ...5, 724, and so far this year, its revenues come to  £M6, 942. Although the company is turning over a very large revenue, their profits in recent years have been in decline. Last years earnings per share were 18pence, and so far this year, the earnings per share are a loss of 10pence. Share Prices dropped dramatically over the summer of 2001, to an all time low of 52.9pence. Some investors thought that the shares could not possibly drop any further, and so invested in some shares. Unfortunately, share prices did drop even further to 28.4pence. There is currently a slow trickle of increase in profit, to their current price of 32.5pence, due to Marconi coming into profit again ( £5,000,000 in the second quarter, compared to an operating loss of  £222,000,000 in the first quarter). Marconi, like Marks and Spencer Plc have a strong brand name, but this is only as important in their industry as in that they have a long list of clients, built up over the years, many of who will do repeat transactions with the company. Web sites: - - Newspapers: - The Financial Times Books: - Collins Concise English Dictionary