Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Multitasking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Multitasking - Essay Example Studies indicate that many people consider themselves efficient in multitasking (Moran 2). From doing ordinary tasks like listening to music while drinking coffee and having a conversation with a second person in the room, to talking on the phone while driving are all examples of scenarios where people multitask. Though the functioning of the human brain is not fully understood, there are studies to show that it does not have the ability to process two or more tasks simultaneously, especially if the tasks utilize the same part of the brain. On the contrary, all it does is switch rapidly to cover all the tasks just like a computer processor. This switching between tasks reduces the efficiency of the brain in two ways. First, the brain needs time to adapt to the new task every time after switching. Second, the time lost between tasks almost doubles the time required to complete the tasks if done subsequently. Consequently, tasks are completed less efficiently when done simultaneously a s compared to doing one task first, then picking on another and doing it to completion (Rosen 56). Consequences of Multitasking: Multitasking is not a forte for many people. Therefore, attempting to accomplish many tasks at once impedes people’s ability to perform some basic tasks that sustain and hold communities together. A good example of this is texting on the phone or tapping away at a blackberry while speaking to a friend. As people work on their technological gizmo, they miss ancient but crucial concepts of communication like body language that help to convey the parts of conversation that cannot be expressed using words. The absence of eye contact among other components makes the friend feel neglected. It appears to them that either the conversation is boring, or their friend is uninterested in the topic of discussion. What is understandable is the fact that one cannot handle two simultaneous conversations and to avoid risking ones social life, one has to end one conv ersation, push the other one through to completion before moving on to the next one. It is common to get a wrong or irrelevant response during a conversation as the other party is busy writing an email or chatting online (Junco & Cotton 375). Learning is also significantly impaired by multitasking. As one attempts to absorb the immense information available these days at once, one tends to skim over materials picking only what they perceive as beneficial. They then try to recreate the whole picture using any scant background information they may have. The media adapted to this new method of reading by including abstracts before all their articles, as the era where people enjoyed in-depth reading of long prose is no more. Many are contented with reading a few lines in a book review or news summary as there is no enough time to read it all. This reading culture’s main downside is the fact that it is impossible to learn anything new if one does not venture into uncharted territo ry of well-articulated prose. The major contributor to this reading culture where details are no longer relevant is the internet. Search engines have been optimized such that research that once took weeks of research, reading numerous books at the library takes only a few clicks, so long as one has a computer and internet connection (Carr 3). Finally, the switching that happens between tasks when multitasking does not allow the brain time to

Monday, October 28, 2019

Business Research Ethics Essay Example for Free

Business Research Ethics Essay The accounting world is changing constantly and so are the rules that are being set up to protect companies and their assets. There are codes of conduct that accounting offices and their personnel must adhere to and when they are not followed, there can be an ethical challenges that you have to deal with. Users of accounting information perform different types of creative accounting. Some of these practices are ethical and legal and other are not. It is important for a company to set up procedures that check and double check everyone in the accounting department from the clerks to the Controller. There is never a time in any business that someone is allowed to do things without having someone else check on their work. When there is no follow up or checks set in place is when the company finds themselves in trouble. As accountants, we are required to make sure that the work that we produce is accurate, credible and true information. This information is used to help investors and banks to make a good business decision in regard to their credit and investment opportunities. Many times, an accountant will get â€Å"creative† with the numbers to assure just that outcome. The numbers are inflated to show a better financial picture and this will help the company get more money and have the bank invest more in their future. Sometimes, this can go on for a long time without anyone knowing it is all false. Other times, companies get caught. May I remind you of Enron? Over the years stockholders and investors have lost large amounts of money due to false reporting or â€Å"creative† accounting. It is for this reason that the need for restrictions on those practices and find a solution to this problem became necessary. A company that I worked for in the past had to eventually file for bankruptcy because the Executive Board was unaware of what the Controller was doing. Many of us were aware of the incorrect numbers and were not sure how to handle it because we could not really prove that the numbers that he was  reporting were actually wrong. There are procedures in effect that prevent accountants from doing this, but not all companies follow them. This is why auditors are used with many companies. Auditors are there to make sure that all numbers and documents are proven to be correct and that there is no creative accounting or inflated numbers when looking at financial statements. Auditors can also be a deterrent for theft. If there is never a check and balance with an accountant in a company, there can be a greater chance of theft. I know of a company that I worked for suffered a loss of over $50,000 because the Controller was not required to get a second signature on checks under $5,000, so he issued himself eleven checks in the amount of $4,000. He would take the check and record that the check went to a vendor or supplier. When the bank statement was sent to our office, he would do the bank reconciliation, so no one saw the actual cancelled check because he destroyed it. Had there been an auditor that would be checking his work, this never would have continued to happen, they would have found it after the first check. It is important accountants to maintain integrity and avoid questionable situations. There are many things that can be seen as inappropriate. Many times over the years, I have been offered tickets to baseball games, dinners, gift baskets, etc. to use a particular company as a major supplier or to use a certain bank. I never thought much of accepting a gift basket, but I was told by an auditor for our firm that can be misunderstood and never to do that. This is a small scale, many companies have been known to get government contracts or big jobs because of making certain promises. Research has proven to our executives and investors that the only way to make sure that there is no inappropriate behavior by having internal and external auditors to examine the books on a regular basis. Knowing that there are audits completed on a random basis and knowing that those audits are being audited by external companies prevents mishaps, theft and misappropriation of funds. Having a clear set of policies and procedures in place and also having a clear plan of action for employees that do not follow these procedures is a sure way to insure that your company is protected. GAAP (generally accepted accounting practices) defines what is and is not permissible, but it is not infallible. GAAP can be manipulated and subject to interpretation and accountants can commit fraud any time. Eventually, we have to count on good accounting  procedures, our auditors and most importantly, employee ethics and morals to keep everything and everyone in line. REFERENCES Al Momani, M. A., Obeidat, M. I. (2013). The effect of auditors ethics on their detection of creative accounting practices: A field study. International Journal of Business and Management, 8(13), 118-136. Retrieved from Leung, E. C. (2004). Accounting ethics. Business and Society, 43(2), 226-226+. Retrieved from

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Inner Evil Revealed in Film and BBC Productions of Shakespeare’s Richar

Inner Evil Revealed in Film and BBC Productions of Shakespeare’s Richard III   Ã‚  Ã‚   All the passions of the irascible rise from the passions of the concupiscible appetite and terminate in them. For instance, anger rises from sadness, and, having wrought vengeance, terminates in joy. --   St. Thomas Aquinas   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In Richard III, Shakespeare creates evil personified.   The wicked protagonist conspires against kin, plots political takeovers, woos widows, sets assassins against children, and relishes each nefarious act.   We watch Richard's bravado with wicked glee and delight in each boasting comment sent our direction.   Once the bad guy becomes seductive, even amusing, in his blatant cruelty, the playwright must intervene to counterbalance his own brilliant wit.   But how can this devil Richard be brought to his knees with the appropriate high style demanded by the script's momentum?   Shakespeare leaves us the briefest of stage direction: "Alarum. Enter Richard and Richmond; they fight; Richard is slain" (V.v.).   Once "the bloody dog is dead," Richmond prays for "smooth-faced peace" (V.v.2,33).   So soon after Richard's tormented dream of accusing ghosts, this closing scene enforces a mood described by Robert Ornstein as "one of somber reflection, not of joyous celebration" (263).   However, the interpretive liberties taken by three twentieth-century filmmakers establish elaborated messages about the horrors of bloodshed, the inevitability of power struggles, and the mythmaking of villains.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The 1982 BBC production takes the audience through a series of reactions: the bloodthirst for revenge, the prayer for redemption, and the vision of hellish destruction.   We watch Richard circled by soldiers, baited like a bea... ...thin this structure, his body will pull him downward with the mocking demands of its physical being" (35).   Structurally, the gargoyles often function as gutter drains, spewing forth wastewater to protect the aesthetics of the church.   Similarly, Richard epitomizes our hatreds and cruelties, reminding us of the evil inside; whether he cleanses our sins through his death depends on the director's approach to redemption and transference. Works Cited Eccles, Mark.   "Richard III on Stage and Screen." Richard III.   New York: Signet Classic, 1988.   265-78. Hallett, Charles A. and Elaine S. Hallett.   The Revenger's Madness.   Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 1980.   (Epigraph) Ornstein, Richard.   "Richard III."   Richard III.   New York: Signet Classic, 1988.   239-264. Spivack, Charlotte.   The Comedy of Evil on Shakespeare's Stage.   London: Associated UPs, 1978.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Charge Of The Light Brigade and Come up from the Fields Father Essa

The Charge Of The Light Brigade and Come up from the Fields Father are two war poems written in the mid 19th century. A Comparison Of Two War Poems ============================= 'The Charge Of The Light Brigade' and 'Come up from the Fields Father' are two war poems written in the mid 19th century. They both involve the portrayal of death for their country. Although they both tell us about death in two entirely different ways. In 1854, Mr Alfred Tennyson picked up 'The Times' newspaper and read a report written by W .H. Russell on the Crimean war. After reading the report, Alfred, wrote a very quick poem about the happenings. This poem was to become very famous and well known for centuries to come. In comparison, Walt Whitman, the author of 'Come up from the Fields Father' was a famous American author; he worked as a wound dresser in the American civil war, tending battle victims in primitive camp hospitals. Whitman writes his poem very imaginatively about the effects of war on a farming family. This gives the poems a very different feel and a change in style,...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Best/Worst Experience in Modern Communication Essay

l rather than physical presence or written/printed channel. The best experience I’ve had communicating electronically was via e-mail. Last year in March, I went back to Israel to visit my family for a few weeks. Doing so each year is very hard on the family I leave behind, taking care of the everyday life without me around. My husband and I got to talk on the phone once or twice a day, but never too long due to the facts of the surrounding aspects (such as: noise, people that came to see me, and so on). Our landlord decided to sell his house and gave us one month notice as was written in the contract. We only had one month to find another place to live with 3 kids, while I was in Israel for the next 2 weeks. This was a very positive experience for my husband and I. It enabled us to communicate with each other and our realtor via the e-mail. If not for the e-mail options, I couldn’t have done what I succeed to do. I e-mailed each day to our realtor, knowing I can’t communicate with him with the 10 hours difference between us. He sent me houses to look for in the e-mails, and I e-mailed him what I liked and what not. The e-mail availability gave us the option to manage the issue from a distance, without being scared and cancel the visit with my extended family. Channels are the mediums that carry messages between communicators. (Dobkin-Pace, 2006). Worst experience I have had communicating in an electronic/computer communication channel rather than physical presence or written/printed channel. It happened in Canada 5 years ago. I was working in the Jewish community center as an event planner for the center. I was doing my daily tasks when suddenly I looked at my inbox and saw that I have an e-mail from the CEO. I looked at the e-mail and saw that she decided to cancel an event that I worked so hard on, with no reason. To me it felt so wrong and with no feelings. I felt so upset and thought to myself that this should have been done face to face and not through e-mail. She might have had her own reasons to why she did it, and she might have done the right decision.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Horses and how they grow1 essays

Horses and how they grow1 essays Horses and How They Grow Horses are fun to ride, but they can be a lot of hard work. The first horse was the Eohippus. It was about the size of a fox. It can be traced over a period of 60 million years. From America they spread across the world. Then 8-10,000 years ago the horse be-came extinct in America. It was reintroduced by the Spanish Conquistadors in the 16th century. The herds of mustangs in north America is descended from horses introduced by the Spanish in the 16th century. Baby horses are born from a mare horse. The mare holds the baby for 11 or 12 months. Most mares will have 5 or 6 foals during their lives. Normally a foal is born with its front feet first. Foals are born with their eyes open and with a full coat of hair. When the newborn foal is born, it drinks its mother's milk for the first 6 Months. Foals can stand up shortly after birth. It also begins to Supplement its diet by nibbling on grass and it's mother's oats. The best place to feed your horse is in a bucket. A horse must have fresh water and eat oats. A healthy treat for horses is carrots and apples. A horse's age can be told by looking at its teeth. Up to the age of five a horse still has its milk teeth. A foal can be weaned from 4-6 months. Most horses reach their full size by the time they are five years old. The bones from a baby foal are very soft for the first three years. You shouldn't ride a horse until it is three years old because you can sway its back. When the owner weans the foal he separates it from the mother, and puts it out to the pasture with other foals. A baby girl horse is a filly, and when she is mature she is called a mare. A baby boy horse is a colt. When he is mature, he is called a stallion. A yearling is a one-year-old horse. Training horses requires great skill and patience. It begins almost immediately after it is born. You should put a halter on it, and teach it to lead an...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Step-by-Step Guide to Getting a Job as a Recent Grad

Step-by-Step Guide to Getting a Job as a Recent Grad So you’ve just graduated, or you’re about to. Congratulations! All of your hard work and long hours are paying off in the form of that hard-won piece of paper. But victorious as this moment is, it’s a transitional one- celebration gives way to the realities of your new professional life. Namely, that you need a professional life. Now that you’ve achieved your goal of graduating, the next steps can seem a little murky, so we’d like to help guide you through your next steps on the way to your new (or new and improved) career. Step 1: Figure out your plan.If you’re one of those amazing people who has had a detailed, spreadsheet-ed life plan since seventh grade, this step is probably not for you. (Go directly to step 2!) If you’re like many of us, and have mostly vague/idealistic thoughts about what you want to do next, then now is the time to buckle down on that. Presumably you have some idea, having chosen a specific school, program, or major with your eventual career in mind. That’s your starting point.Think about what you want to do. If you have a specific job in mind, research current job opportunities, and ask yourself these questions:Is this an entry-level job, or does it require stepping-stone jobs first?Do I have the baseline skills necessary to perform this job?Once I get this job, what are the next two or three levels? What do I need to prepare for leveling up?If you have an industry in mind rather than a particular job, try these questions:Is there a particular industry niche I’m interested in?What are the top companies in the field, and what kinds of job openings do they have?Do I have the baseline skills that the job listings are seeking?Once I get a job in this field, what are the next two or three levels? What do I need to prepare for leveling up?The goal here is to come up with a five-year plan. It doesn’t have to be plotted down to the day, but should at least have general outli nes of what you hope to achieve in the first job or two of your new career. And realism is key here: going from junior employee to CEO in five years is not going to happen (sorry).Step 2: Start packaging yourself.Ideally, you’ve already got the bare bones of your resume in order from part-time or summer jobs, internships, or just general preparedness. If you haven’t been as on top of that as you’d like (for example, if you’ve been busy with exams and a goodbye tour of the campus watering holes), no worries. The best bet here is actually to start from scratch. If you have old resumes for reference and reminders about your experience, that’s great†¦but a surgical find-and-replace update of dates and responsibilities isn’t the best starting point for your new career.And don’t worry too much about the catch-22 that plagues many job seekers just out of college: how do you get job experience to get a job? The lack of direct experience is going to be unavoidable at some point, but the good news is that you do have experience, whether it’s in the form of internships, jobs that built skills like administrative work or customer service, or volunteer work. The most important part of your new resume is harnessing the best professional qualities you have in a format that works.Step 3: Build up (or clean up) your social media brand.The Facebook comments posted on your timeline by friends goofing off? The public Instagram account that features the party highlights of Spring Break? The Twitter feed where you try to provoke celebrities into RTing you? Those have no place in your job hunt. For personal accounts, make them private, or scrub them of stuff you really wouldn’t want a potential employer to see. (Rule of thumb: would you be okay with your grandmother seeing this?)After you’ve cleaned up your profiles, or made them private, start new accounts for your professional self. Pick a @handle that†™s based on your name. Instead of tweeting at celebrities, follow industry leaders or that guy who gave an awesome TED talk about productivity. Share articles about your field that you find interesting or informative. And always (ALWAYS) keep the tone professional. You can be witty or serious, and give opinions, but always be aware that anyone could be reading your posts. Don’t post anything you wouldn’t feel comfortable defending in a job interview.Your social media presence is crucial because more than ever, employers are using social media as their preferred methods for recruiting potential employees, or at least screening them.Courtesy of: onlinedegrees.comStep 4: Build your real world network.Social media is essential, but don’t neglect the web of people you know IRL who can help your career. Coming out of college, you have a crazy number of networking options. Your school or program likely has some kind of career development office that can link you up w ith mentors or current people in your target field. Your school also has alumni networks for you to tap into as well. And don’t forget professors and instructors- you have access real, live experts in your field, who may have valuable insight into what it’s like to work in the field, or connections of their own that they can refer to you.Right now, it’s important that you start taking advantage of those before you leave, get busy with real life, and lose touch with people. (That struggle is very real, trust me.) Put at least as much care into your fledgling professional network as you put into staying in touch with classmates and friends. Make those connections now, so that you’ll have them later. It’s a lot easier to maintain relationships than to try to go back after they’ve lapsed. It’ll be awkward if you pop back into someone’s life five years later, only to ask them for a LinkedIn recommendation. If you connect on LinkedIn or other networking sites now, you’re at least somewhat on each other’s radar in the future. You don’t have to have coffee with them every week, but staying connected online keeps your options open.Step 5: Get out and start looking.You can do this while you’re working on other things (like building your network), but if you start finding job opportunities, you’ll want your resume and professional social media presence to be in order first. From your research during your five-year-planning stage, you probably have a good idea of where to start searching for jobs. Online job sites are a great place to start, but if your industry has online hubs or job-matching sites, start haunting those too.Step 6: Practice your interview game.Even if you don’t have an interview lined up just yet, that’s no reason to slack on practicing for it. Things you can do in the meantime:If you have friends who are also on the job hunt, set up some time to grab coffee and practice asking each other interview questions.Work on your handshake grip: strong, but not Hulk-ish.When you brush your teeth in the morning and at night, practice your most winning â€Å"hire me† smile.Fix that hem on your interview suit, and make sure your interview outfit is dry-cleaned and ready to go in case you get an interview on short notice.Come up with real-life examples for each skill and bullet point on your resume.Don’t get discouraged if you feel like things aren’t happening quickly enough. The hard work you’re putting now is making you a better candidate, so when the right opportunity comes along, you’ll be ready to seize it. Congrats on all the great things you’ve achieved so far, and good luck on the journey that come next!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Meaning and Origin of the Last Name Cohen

Meaning and Origin of the Last Name Cohen The Cohen surname, common among Eastern European Jews, often indicates a family claiming descent from Aaron, brother of Moses and the first high priest, from the Hebrew kohen or kohein, meaning priest. The German surname KAPLAN is related, deriving from chaplain in German. Surname Origin:Â  Hebrew Alternate Surname Spellings:Â  KOHEN, COHN, KAHN, KOHN, CAHN, COHAN Fun Facts About the COHEN Surname Some Jews, when faced with being drafted into the Russian Army, changed their surname to Cohen because members of the clergy were exempt from service. Famous People with the COHEN Surname Ben Cohen - co-founder of Ben Jerrys Ice CreamSamuel Cohen - known for inventing the W70 warhead, or neutron bombLeonard Cohen - Canadian poet, novelist and contemporary folk singer/songwriterSasha Cohen - Olympic figure skaterSteve Cohen - critically acclaimed magician Genealogy Resources for the Surname COHEN Get started researching your Jewish roots with this guide to basic genealogy research, unique Jewish resources and records, and suggestions for the best Jewish genealogy resources and databases to search first for your Jewish ancestors. The Cohanim/DNALearn how DNA can help identify whether you are a member of the Cohanim (plural of Cohen), direct descendants of Aaron, brother of Moses. COHEN Family Genealogy ForumFree message board is focused on descendants of Cohen ancestors around the world. - COHEN Genealogy Family HistoryFree databases and genealogy links for the last name Cohen. Looking for the meaning of a given name? Check out First Name MeaningsCant find your last name listed? Suggest a surname to be added to the Glossary of Surname Meanings Origins. Sources Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967. Dorward, David. Scottish Surnames. Collins Celtic (Pocket edition), 1998. Fucilla, Joseph. Our Italian Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 2003. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003. Reaney, P.H. A Dictionary of English Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1997. Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Virgin group and diversification strategies Article

Virgin group and diversification strategies - Article Example ly on the services to the customers, but beliefs in the value added services to the customers, they further appreciated Virgin Group for categorization of its customers into different groups, and its success in offering services of extreme variance to the customers, the aspirations and expectations of each customer has been incorporated into the diversified range of services and offers provided by the Virgin Group. Debates There is common understanding among the analysts that is 'the Virgin Group is one of those organizations where diversification has almost become a brand value in itself' (Robert, 2004). The diversification strategies adopted by the group has been responsible for the phenomenal rise in the Virgin Group's revenue, 'the sheer volume of the Virgin Group's revenues provide illustration of just how effective a diversification strategy can be in driving growth' (Robert, 2004). The Virgin Group has adopted a simple technique which is responsible for its phenomenal growth i.e. 'over-arching brand into new business areas'. It has been normally observed that when the companies are involved in different set of services, such companies launch different names for their services, however in the case of Virgin Group it's the common name which is also attributed with the success. The launch of different services and schemes under common banner has played vital role, and is regarded as crucial among t he diversification strategy. It has been observed that different companies have launched different trading names, but Virgin Group has tried to refrain itself from such scheme, it has avoided the formation of different subsidiary units and companies only 'being tailored for the market in question' (Robert, 2004). Virgin Group has successfully carried out its... There is common understanding among the analysts that is 'the Virgin Group is one of those organizations where diversification has almost become a brand value in itself' (Robert, 2004). The diversification strategies adopted by the group has been responsible for the phenomenal rise in the Virgin Group's revenue, 'the sheer volume of the Virgin Group's revenues provide illustration of just how effective a diversification strategy can be in driving growth' (Robert, 2004). The Virgin Group has adopted a simple technique which is responsible for its phenomenal growth i.e. ‘over-arching brand into new business areas'. It has been normally observed that when the companies are involved in different set of services, such companies launch different names for their services, however in the case of Virgin Group it’s the common name which is also attributed with the success. The launch of different services and schemes under common banner has played vital role, and is regarded as cr ucial among the diversification strategy. It has been observed that different companies have launched different trading names, but Virgin Group has tried to refrain itself from such scheme, it has avoided the formation of different subsidiary units and companies only 'being tailored for the market in question'. Virgin Group has successfully carried out its diversification schemes and operations under common name, the Virgin Group has ignored and avoided d previous such corporate practices where 'many entrepreneurs prefer to establish new businesses.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Inequality and Poverty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Inequality and Poverty - Essay Example Bishop and Amiel (2007) assert that there is poverty in the majority of the world nations and its people. However, it is not enough to blame people for such predicaments, claiming that they are lazy or made poor decisions which are responsible for their plight. The government has pursued some policies which hamper successful development. Causes of inequality and poverty are in doubt but are more and deeper causes of poverty which are less discussed. Behind the increased interconnectedness which is promised by globalization are practices, policies and global decisions. Such are influenced, formulated, or driven by the powerful and the rich, or rather can be leaders from rich countries and other global actors like institutions, influential people and multinational corporations. However, in the face of such external influences, the government of the poor nations and their people are powerless and as a result, few get wealthy, while the majority struggle with their poor lives. Most of th e people live on just a few dollars a day, and it does not matter if one lives in the wealthiest nations or poorest, one will still notice the high levels of inequality. The poor people have less access to health, education and other basic services that are important in their lives. Problems of disease, malnutrition, and hunger afflict the poor people in the society. Additionally, the poor people are also marginalized from the society and have little representation or voice in political and public debates, which makes it harder for them to escape from poverty. In contrast, the richer you are, the more likely you benefit from political and economic policies. The amount of money the world spends on financial and military bailouts and other areas which benefits the richer is compared to the amount that is spent to address the daily crisis of poverty and other related problems (Jenkins, 2007). The Cutbacks in education, social services and health around the world results for the adjustm ent structural policies by the World Bank and International Monetary Fund as conditions for repayment and loans. To add to this, developing governments are required to open their economies in order to compete with more established and powerful industrialized nations. To attract poor countries and investment, they have entered into a competition to find out who can provide cheaper resources, reduced wages, and attract investment. This has increased inequality and poverty for most people. To add to this, it also forms a backbone of what is we call globalization and as a result, it maintains the unequal historic rules of trade (Bishop & Amiel, 2007). Around the world, in poor or rich nations, poverty has always been present. In all most all nations, the inequality, meaning the gap between the poor and the rich is widening and quite high. The causes are also numerous, including bad government policy, exploitation by businesses and people with influence and power, lack of responsibility or a combination of such factors. Many individuals feel that the high levels of inequality affects the social cohesion, which leads to problems like violence and crime. Bishop and Amiel (2007) assert that inequality is often a measure of poverty that is usually relative. However, absolute poverty is also a matter of concern,

Micro econmics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Micro econmics - Essay Example Once the US market tumbled the markets around the world followed suit. Some Asian markets even lost 40% (China)while others lost almost 60% (India) in a matter of months. Most analysts hold the subprime lending crisis as the root cause for the current economic slowdown. In their enthusiasm to outdo other banks and get the maximum number of customers, banks were ready to lend any amount to anyone, without even verifying their credit worthiness properly. As a result, many banks had to close shop, including big names like Citibank and Merryl Lynch. Thousands of people the world over lost jobs, companies had to be bailed out and even turn to government support for their functioning and existence. The latest victim is the automobile giant, General Motors. After being the iconic company that it was, it had to declare bankruptcy and carry out a sale to the U.S government. The subprime lending crisis does not seem to be an isolated one in the financial world. Persistent industrial loan defaults and massive loan losses have become a regular feature in developing countries. According to Hoque (2004) and the World Bank (1993), 150 development banks in 33 developing countries have been haunted by massive debt default and loan loss. The present subprime mortgage crisis that hit the credit markets and banking systems is due to the massive increase in loan defaulters, thus forcing the banks to go bankrupt. Industrial Development Finance Institutions (IDFIs) form the backbone of the economy in both developing and developed countries. These institutions are expected to stimulate industrial investment in both private and public sectors in the country. They play the key role of injecting capital into the system. However, a job bigger than that is to blend capital with entrepreneurial skills to support industrial advancement in an underdeveloped economy. This is precisely what IDFIs are doing in a majority of the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Forthcoming Enlargement of European Union Essay

Forthcoming Enlargement of European Union - Essay Example As the experience of enlargements demonstrates what was beneficial for one members put the others in front of challenges. As 2007 will obviously be the time for Black-sea basin countries to join the Union, their joining will have the profound effects on Mediterranean basin as a whole, particularly on Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal that are already EU members (Dauderstdt, 2003). The Mediterranean region has always been one of the most specific and vulnerable areas on the planet (Lannon and Maresceau, 2001). Being the cradle of world civilization, Mediterranean countries, particularly Middle East and Northern African states (East and South Mediterranean), have also been the homes for world's major problems associated with terrorism, migration, drug and human trafficking and crimes. Also these countries are out of this research analysis, their factor need to be included while assessing specificity of the region and effects EU forthcoming enlargement may have on the EU-Mediterranean members. Additionally, the Balkan states also sharing Mediterranean basin and remaining one of the most problematic "hot spots" in Europe can not be underestimated (Aydin, 2004). With concern of the role of Mediterranean basin in the global politics EU has a specific program for the region (The EU's Mediterranean & Middle East Policy, 2005) In this project I will evaluate... I will provide the all-round analysis of effects of EU enlargement on existing member-states which includes political, socio-economic, and other angles. General effects on EU enlargement on current Mediterranean member-states The challenge of Eastern European states preparing to join the EU for current members is historic not only because it will enlarge the boarders of the Union but primarily because it will align two different types of cultures. Historically Europe has never been homogeneous; the most common understanding implies coexistence of at least two different "Europes", i.e.: Western and Eastern Europe (Dauderstdt, 2003). The watershed between "two Europes" is historical, cultural, economical, political, yet, mental. Most conventionally they are contrasted as catholic and protestant vs. orthodox countries, capitalist states vs. former communist entities, and democracies vs. totalitarian states. Turkey is an exception here as its major difference from the rest of the Europe is religions and mentality-related (Lannon and Maresceau, 2001). In the recent decade the EU will be joined by a group of countries which are dramatically different from the rest of the Europe (Welfens, 2004). However hereinafter I will directly address two countries for which the integration into EU seems to be the most probable, i.e.: Romania and Bulgaria. I will indicate specially when other countries (Turkey and Croatia) will be included in research analysis Both states, as mentioned before, are located in the eastern Mediterranean (Black-sea) basin; they both are orthodox Christian states that represent the former Soviet camp. In a word, they are

How does the picture of the Catilinarian conspiracy differ between Essay

How does the picture of the Catilinarian conspiracy differ between Cicero and Sallust To what do you attribute these differences - Essay Example But the plot was unearthed followed by the execution of five conspirators, and this revelation compelled Catiline to escape from Rome. Many historians and political experts of the age have presented vivid accounts of Catiline’s life and his famous conspiracy. But of all these, the accounts put forward by Cicero and Sallust stand out in terms of their vivid details, eloquent language and authenticity of information. Marcus Tullius Cicero  was one of the greatest philosophers and prose writers of Rome. Apart from his accomplishments in the sphere of oration and his career as a lawyer, one of his major achievements was his political career. It was in the course of his political career as a consul that the  Second Catilinarian Conspiracy occurred. However, the  attempt to overthrow the Roman government through an external attack was foiled and the ensuing revolt was supressed at that time largely due to the efforts of Cicero. Subsequently, he acquired a Senatus Consultum Ultimum and delivered four fervent speeches against Catiline for his treachery against the Republic. These speeches, collectively known as the Catiline Orations, are classified as rare specimens of an extraordinary rhetorical style. The speeches revealed the truth about the depravity and corruption practised by Catiline and his followers, while denouncing them for extending their support and sympathy to a treacherous rogue l ike Catiline. The acerbic and sardonic tone of the speeches was effective enough to drive Catiline and his followers out of the city. The speech was delivered at the Temple of Jupiter Stator, and was directly addressed to Catiline. The rhetoric was so powerful that Catiline was forced to leave the senate midway during the course of Cicero’s speech. The subsequent speeches, that yielded more evidence against Catiline, were addressed to the people and the senate. Cicero’s first speech was relatively short and precise. It was remarkable for its opening remarks

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Forthcoming Enlargement of European Union Essay

Forthcoming Enlargement of European Union - Essay Example As the experience of enlargements demonstrates what was beneficial for one members put the others in front of challenges. As 2007 will obviously be the time for Black-sea basin countries to join the Union, their joining will have the profound effects on Mediterranean basin as a whole, particularly on Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal that are already EU members (Dauderstdt, 2003). The Mediterranean region has always been one of the most specific and vulnerable areas on the planet (Lannon and Maresceau, 2001). Being the cradle of world civilization, Mediterranean countries, particularly Middle East and Northern African states (East and South Mediterranean), have also been the homes for world's major problems associated with terrorism, migration, drug and human trafficking and crimes. Also these countries are out of this research analysis, their factor need to be included while assessing specificity of the region and effects EU forthcoming enlargement may have on the EU-Mediterranean members. Additionally, the Balkan states also sharing Mediterranean basin and remaining one of the most problematic "hot spots" in Europe can not be underestimated (Aydin, 2004). With concern of the role of Mediterranean basin in the global politics EU has a specific program for the region (The EU's Mediterranean & Middle East Policy, 2005) In this project I will evaluate... I will provide the all-round analysis of effects of EU enlargement on existing member-states which includes political, socio-economic, and other angles. General effects on EU enlargement on current Mediterranean member-states The challenge of Eastern European states preparing to join the EU for current members is historic not only because it will enlarge the boarders of the Union but primarily because it will align two different types of cultures. Historically Europe has never been homogeneous; the most common understanding implies coexistence of at least two different "Europes", i.e.: Western and Eastern Europe (Dauderstdt, 2003). The watershed between "two Europes" is historical, cultural, economical, political, yet, mental. Most conventionally they are contrasted as catholic and protestant vs. orthodox countries, capitalist states vs. former communist entities, and democracies vs. totalitarian states. Turkey is an exception here as its major difference from the rest of the Europe is religions and mentality-related (Lannon and Maresceau, 2001). In the recent decade the EU will be joined by a group of countries which are dramatically different from the rest of the Europe (Welfens, 2004). However hereinafter I will directly address two countries for which the integration into EU seems to be the most probable, i.e.: Romania and Bulgaria. I will indicate specially when other countries (Turkey and Croatia) will be included in research analysis Both states, as mentioned before, are located in the eastern Mediterranean (Black-sea) basin; they both are orthodox Christian states that represent the former Soviet camp. In a word, they are

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

No subject Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

No subject - Essay Example On the other hand, baby girls prefer nurturing, cooperative, and dolls play. In school, most boys excel in math and science subjects while girls in art and literature. Girls read, write, and talk earlier than boys do. Girls are also more empathetic and emotional with other people than boys. However, boys are physically active and more aggressive than girls. According to Kimmel (22), the hormonal and genetic factors define gender differences. This research assumes that biological sex determined behavioural differences. This research shows that, the variation in gender is explored in the definitions of femininity and masculinity. Biologically, men carry different levels of testosterone and brain structure than women. This explains why most men are sex driven than women. It also explains why most women are more emotional, moody, and sensitive than men. Still, newborn girls are sensitive to sound and touch than newborn boys. They also show more interest in holding eye contact and communi cating with others than boys. Girls with CAH, which is an enzyme deficiency that produces male hormones in girls’ foetus, may show interest in sports activities and become more muscular in future. However, other studies reveal nature plays a crucial role on gender stereotypes. ... In most cases, girls are more pampered than boys and this makes them to be more emotional than boys. Children learn some behaviour from the media. For instance, the media portrays female characters as emotional, romantic, and fragile. On the other hand, the media portrays male characters as more bold, enterprising, and active. Most commercials for boys are loud and stimulating while those for girls are quiet and soothing. With this in mind, children who watch more TV shows exhibit more gender stereotypes about boys and girls. At a tender age, the child begins to understand how he or she should behave in the society as dictated by nature. In the society, certain human traits are socially specialized of only one sex. For instance, boys are expected to be muscularly strong while girls are not. Girls are also expected to be emotional, sensitive, caring, loving, and submissive. In some instances, the society expects women to nurture, cook for their spouses, and go for shopping. It is impo rtant to note that, culture plays a vital role in gender differences. In most cultures, women perform household chores and responsible for child care. However, most cultures demand men to provide for their family. In African countries, men are more empowered than women. With this, it is evident that traditions and social customs contribute to the gender ideologies and differences. Most muscular men participates more on body building competitions while women participate more in the public sector because of the nature of performing child care duties. Several theorists have attempted to explain gender inequality and division of labour. For instance, Kimmel (56) points out that, the impact of property owning, the demand of winning in the war, and the

Roman Fever Essay Example for Free

Roman Fever Essay In the short story â€Å"Roman Fever† we see a pattern in the lives of the women. I like to call this destructive passion. Destructive passion can be put into a literal term of passion itself. â€Å"Passion in itself is an emotion applied to a strong feeling about a person or thing. † (Merriam-Webster online) This also means that passion can be known has having a strong desire towards something or someone. Intense passion in the forms of love, fear, vengefulness, enmity, and jealousy poisons the relationship between Alida Slade and Grace Ansley. We can also see this pattern how it unfolded with Grace’s Great-aunt and how it could possibly unfold with Grace and Alida’s daughters. First we can unfold the destructive behavior of the Great-aunt. â€Å"Oh yes; Great –aunt Harriet. The one who was supposed to have sent her young sister out to the Forum after sunset to gather a night blooming flower for her album. All of our great-aunts and grandmothers used to have albums of dried flowers† (Gwynn 99) Here is where we first encounter a history of deceit and destructive behavior that rises from the form of passion for love of another. â€Å"Mrs. Slade nodded. †But she really sent her because they were in love with the same man-â€Å"(Gwynn 99) We now begin to unravel the destructive actions that Alida has towards Grace. This cycle is starting to pan out for each generation. We have the story of the great-aunt being passed sown to Alida and Grace and undoubtedly will be passed to Jenny and Barbara of their mothers deceit and passion for the same man. In the following exert from the short story we see the passion of hatred unfold from the past of the great-aunt to the past of Alida and Grace. â€Å"Well, that was the family tradition. They say Aunt Harriet confessed it years afterward. At any rate, the poor little sister caught the fever and died. Mother used to frighten us with the story when we were children. †(Gwynn 99) We can take two meanings from the word fever. We can take the literal term of it being the sickness of it physically and she died from that. Or we can take the meaning metaphorically and say she died of the fever of passion and caught her death in that way. In either aspect you have the ideal of passion unfolding the deceit, hatred, and jealousy one has for another’s so called â€Å"possessions†. We can now unfold the complete jealousy and destructive passion between the two women. â€Å"And you frightened me with it, that winter when you and I were here as girls. The winter I was engaged to Delphin. † Here we have the beginning of the passion forming a rift between the two friends. They loved the same man. One was willing to go the extra length to have the other out of the picture. Right now we only see it as a threat but Alida takes it to the next level. First, Grace falls in love with Alida’s fiance, Delphin. Out of fear of losing Delphin and out of a desire for revenge, Alida executes a plot exposing Grace to an evening chill that sickens her and isolates her from Delphin. Alida Slade forges a letter to lure Grace Ansley to the Colosseum. The whole reason behind this is to give her the â€Å"Roman Fever† and have her out of her and Delphins life forever. Little did Alida know that Grace responded to that letter and Delphin met her anyway. Because of Alida’s destructive passion for Delphin she did the one thing she feared. She pushed the two closer together and the consummated their love. In this consummation they produced a child. This is a forever haunt to Alida by the end of the story. So know we are faced with the unknown with the two girls of Alida and Grace. Barbara and Jenny now have a chance to break the cycle of the women before them but can they? The parallels between all of the women are substantial but none more so then Jenny and Barbara. Barbara is funny and smart and very vivacious like Alida was. She is not like her mother Grace. On the other hand you have Jenny, who is beautiful, quiet, and ordinary like Grace. But Jenny is nothing like her mother Alida. Both girls are receiving the attentions of young men, as their mothers did twenty-five years before. Barbara is likely to become the fiancee of a promising bachelor, according to Alida. She muses that Babs would almost certainly come back engaged to the extremely eligible Campolieri. (Gwynn 98) Twenty-five years before, Alida herself was engaged to a promising bachelor. Here is the promising of the cycle repeating itself. We have the right setting and the same scenario starting all over again. It seems as if Rome itself can be such a passionate city but also have destruction in its nature. Add to these parallels this circumstance: As daughters of Delphin Slade, Barbara and Jenny are half-sisters. This fact is significant in relation to the story about Graces Great-Aunt Harriet. While competing for a man with her own sister, she deliberately tricked the girl into exposing herself to Roman fever. Thus we now have the full circle of the past repeating itself over and over again. We also have at the heart of it passion. The destructive part comes into play when you will see what a person is willing to do in order to keep the feeling alive. It results in selfishness and a destruction of friendships and relationships on the whole. We can now connect the meaning of â€Å"Roman Fever† with the meaning of destructive passion. Grace acquired Roman fever figuratively when she burned with love for Alidas fiance, Delphin. Alida developed the fever figuratively when Graces love for Delphin fired her with hate for Grace and a desire to get even by writing the letter. Alida later suffered the fever when she became intensely jealous of Graces daughter. Roman fever simmers secretly within both women for the next twenty-five years. This revelation is the heart of what destructive passion is capable of and how the cycle can be passed on.

Monday, October 14, 2019

How has internet helped students?

How has internet helped students? Introduction Internet is one of the most important inventions in the past twenty years. The appearance of the internet made our lives become much more colorful and also made us feel much closer with each other. It is easily to make a video call with our relatives and friends who are thousands of miles away within only a few seconds. Today, internet has penetrated into every corner in every industry; in this article I will mainly focus on how has the internet helped students in education. It can be said that the application of the internet in education is already very extensive, such as online distance education, Internet resources for education and so on. In this article I will talk about the following aspects First part is online courses in this part I will both talk about online learning and online tutoring; Secondly, I am going to describe how students use internet as a research tool to find information; Students use it as a delivery tool; Students use internet as a communication medium with teachers or other students; Finally I am going to give a new plan which brings to internet education. Online courses Online learning, Online tutoring Definition Learning by distance has been available for over 100 years but it has increased dramatically with the appearance of the Internet. (Phillips, B. (2003), pp, 3)So the online courses were invented. 40 years ago Open University offered the first online courses. During the last 40 years online courses has been improved greatly. At present time online courses are very popular all over the world. Online courses should been separated into two parts, one is online learning another is online tutoring. As contribution to Wikipedia have suggested, online learning is a term which is commonly used. Most frequently it seems to be used for distance education, with no face-to-face interaction. Online tutoring refers to the process of tutoring within an online virtual environment or networked environment where teachers and learners are separated by time and space (Bates, A. W. (1997) Goals and benefits of online courses Reducing environmental impact People who take part in the online courses dont need to travel every day, thus it reduces the overall carbon output indirectly. In the fact it also allows the decrease of paper usage, so that a plenty of trees could live on. With online tests instead of paper tests and online assessments instead of paper assessments, online courses are a more environmentally friendly education method. Fees much cheaper As last point said you dont need to travel every day, as a result you can save a large number of travelling expenses. Whats more compared with the high cost of tuition fees in school the cost in online courses are much lower. Take Brighton School of Business Management as an example let us look at the picture 1 we can find that most online courses fees are only around  £2000. It is much cheaper than the normal courses such as my MSc degree tuition fee about  £13700. It really can save a large number of money. Convenience and flexibility to learners Generally speaking, for the part-time or full-time job workers and some disabled people they are impossible to be reeducated. They cannot go to the class because time is not allowed. While after the appearance of online courses, the dream of those people comes true. In many contexts, online courses are self-paced and the learning sessions are available 24*7. Learners are not demand to attend classes in a specific day time. They can also pause learning sessions at their convenience. Research tool find information With the development of the internet, people get information more and more easily. In the past if somebody wants to read books or find some specifically information. They always need to borrow reference books from library or buy new books and magazines. Its a large spending and also not convenience you have to remember when you need to return them. However, those things would not happen if you use the internet sources. Nowadays people especially the student use the internet as a research tool very frequently. We can find all the information we want online from daily things to academic books. Google the most famous online search engine, it has more than 100 language and we can also use the advanced search for academic learning. Whats more, I think every university has a mass of online resource for the particular subject. For instance in the university of Sheffield we have a powerful network resources. Its known as the MUSE (picture 2). So wherever we are, we still can get almost all t he information about our subjects as long as we can access the internet. Delivery Tool What is online delivery? One of the most all-embracing definitions is made by Tony Bates. He said it is a Student-centered education approach, which contains a number of technologies, in order to make the activity and communication opportunities asynchronously and synchronously. This model is based on mass selection and appropriate technology in the campus, open Learning systems and distance education. This approach allows teachers determine the learning environment flexibly to meet the different needs of Students, and at the meantime provides high-quality and cost-effective Learning. (Bates, A. W. (1997), pp, 98 99) Benefits of online delivery In this part I will use the online delivery to compare with the traditional delivery, so that we can find the benefits clearly. Firstly, we can focus on all over the world such as choosing courses which is offered by other countries. Secondly, online delivery is available in everywhere at anytime instead of going to school at a specific time. Whats more we can all learn in interest, I think student can study a subject best when they are interested in it. Last but not least it also gives the disabled student and staffs. They get a good chance to be re-educated. Case study of online delivery Open University Open University is one of the oldest universities which offer online courses. After about 40-years development, its online course system is very perfect. Next I will take the Open University as an example to explain the online courses. How do you apply for entry According to the Official Website (, For most courses, you dont need to apply for entry. You simply register for the course you want to take. How do you pay First of all, you have to choose the subject you want, you will find an overall situation about the subject such as the starting date, the ending date, fees, course offering and so on. Then you Register your course and pay it by card. Finally you will get your username and password. How do you learn Every time you sign in to the OU website you can access to the home page of your course. Now you can begin to study online. You can make a suitable studying schedule. After that you take the online classes, and discuss with teachers or classmates online, or hand on your homework online etc., it is very convenient. Communication medium with teachers or other students Communication is the most important and also the most basic human activity in our daily lives. You need to communicate with others from waking up in the morning to going to bed in the evening, unless you always stay at home and not use the telephone, while it is impossible. For students the communication between teachers and students is the premise of studying well. Before we have internet we could only touch with teacher at school. It was really restricted. If we had some problem after class, we only had to wait until the class began again on the next day. Students wasted a lot of time on waiting. However, on these days with the help of the internet our communication becomes more and more convenient. From now on the class is not only in the classroom, but also it extends to everywhere at anytime. E-mail is the most widely used communication medium among student teacher and other classmates. It doesnt matter when you havent finished your work on time in class or if you didnt understand a certain question. You can send them to your tutor by E-mail immediately when you finish them. For instance in Christinas class (my summer school academic writing teacher in University of Sheffield) we are always asked to write a short article in class and check by Christina one by one. While time is usually limited, so at that time the rest of us would be asked to send the articles to her by E-mail. It is very efficient and can save time. Of courses there are other methods to communicate such as online chat, Skype and MSN. They are all very useful. New plan brings to internet education At last I want to give you a new plan of my own opinion which I think will assist the development of the internet education. That is: using the online tutoring when the student graduated from the primary school instead of the middle school. Maybe some people think that this suggestion is absurd, but I believe that some day in the future it will come true. Now I am going to explain why I have such idea. There are several possible reasons. First of all, adapt to the internet education ahead of schedule. In real life, students usually use internet to help study when they came to college or university. That is good but it brings some drawbacks to them. They dont know how to use the internet correctly. A lot of students plagiarizing from internet result in lose their marks. And also some students dont how to research the information they want, so that they dont believe internet is a good learning method. The information on internet is not always healthy. There are some violent and pornographic information. For many people, this is the first time they contact with Internet so closely especially the student in developing countries; they cannot withstand the temptation and misleading information. Internet cannot have the desired effect. Senior high school and university study are both very important, it seems important that we need to cultivate a most efficient learning methods before this period, so secondary school is the best period of time. Whats more high school students have strong ability to accept new things and there are not many rebellious thoughts. So do you agree with me now? Conclusion As we can see from the report internet is playing an increasingly important role in our lives. Because internet is connivance, fast, secure and necessary, if you are always working and studying in primitive way, it will be more and more ineffective and uncompetitive. We need to learn and have a good use of the internet in our study; it really helps you a lot. As a person also a student who is living in the new age we have the responsibility to use and create new technologies. That is the requirement of social development. At last I enumerate several suggestions: It is a good idea to use internet in your study Never spend too much time on internet Learn to distinguish right from wrong Reference Bates, A. W. (1997) the impact of technological change on open and distance learning. (Online) Booker, D (2000)getting to grips with online delivery. Australia: NCVER Ltd Smith, S.C. (2002) from online learner to online teacher. (online) Phillips, B. (2003) overview of online teaching and internet resources for statistics education. Australia: Swinburne University of Technology David, M. (2001) an Online Course in Information Literacy. Open University of Hong Kong Wikipedia encyclopedia.11/08 E-Learning viewed 23/08/09 Timeshighereducation. 18/05/2001 Evolution not an e-revolution viewed 25/08/09 Wikipedia encyclopedia. 25/08/09 Online tutoring viewed 28/08/09

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Abington VS/ Schempp :: Free Essay Writer

Abington School District vs. Schempp Required School Prayer   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1949, a state-wide law was passed in Pennsylvania that required public school students to read scriptures from the Bible and recite the Lord’s Prayer everyday in class. This law stayed intact until Edward Schempp challenged it nine years later. Pennsylvania wasn’t the first or the only state to enforce law making it mandatory for students to read from the Bible during school. Twenty-five additional states had laws allowing â€Å"optional† reading for the Bible. But in eleven of the twenty-five states, courts had decided those laws were unconstitutional.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mr. Schempp took the case to court in to 1958, claiming that required reading for the Bible and recitation of the Lord’s Pray prohibited free exercise of religion for his children, and was therefore unconstitutional, under the First Amendment. Mr. Schempp son, Ellory, stated under oath, that he didn’t not believe in Jesus Christ, or the Christian beliefs. He testified that ideas opposing to his were presented to him while he was at school in Abington High. He received punishment because he refused to stand at attention during the recitation of the Lord’s Prayer and when requested to leave during the exercise, his demands were denied.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of the greatest witnesses was Rabbi Dr. Solomon Grayzel. Dr. Grayzel explained the psychological harm that could come from reading the New Testament without explanation. The context of the New Testament, without explanation of the work, had caused grievances in Jewish children while in similar required situations. This also came to show that if a Jewish child could be offended and upset by the Bible reading, any child of a family rejecting the principles of the Trinity and Jesus Christ would be equally offended, to the point that reading the Bible could be considered blasphemous.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In argument for the recitation of the Lord’s Prayer, they said that reading the Bible not only was essential to the building of good morals and development of the minds of impressionable school children, it was free to be interpreted anyway because of lack of comment and explanation. They claimed that the Bible was not a religious work, but when viewed from the eyes of a Christian, it did express the message of Christianity.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This case bounced back and forth between Supreme Court and district court before eventually ending in 1963. Abington school district appealed to the Supreme Court after it was not satisfied with the verdict at district court level.

Friday, October 11, 2019

How important are the chapters one to three in Great Expectations? Essa

How important are the chapters one too three in Great Expectations? What does the reader learn about the social and historical, from these chapters? The setting from the start of the book is very important, from the unwelcoming and stereotypical graveyard that give the book a starting tense and exiting mood, and the humble blacksmiths that acts as a platform for Pip's expectations and the opposite setting to much of the grander scenery in London. The graveyard at the start of the book is typical example of how the setting contributes so well to the story and the atmosphere; this is just one of the more obvious examples. Starting the book in a graveyard quickly informs the reader of a lot of information about Pips history that under different circumstances would have taken a lot longer to explain; things like Pips parents and family were quickly and briefly explained to the readers via the gravestones and Magwitches asking "Where's your mother?" and Pip's response being "There sir" as he points to his Mother, Father and five sibling's gravestones. The graveyard is...

Delta Airlines Essay

Delta Air Lines is one of the top five domestic airlines in the United States, and amongst the top 20 in the world today. The key to Delta being so successful today is their focus on human relations (Anthony, Kacmar, & Parrewà ©, 2010). An agricultural extension agent by the name of C.E. Woolman founded Delta. Mr. Woolman was not a financier, so Delta has not historically relied on financial strategies to create competitive advantage (Anthony, Kacmar, & Parrewà ©, 2010). Delta has had the fewest number of customer complaints of any major carrier for 20 years straight. This excellent customer service could be partial due to the fact that Delta was strongly committed to its employees. With loyal employees and excellent customer service Delta was able to be very competitive in the airline industry and still is today. One of Delta greatest challenge today is differentiating itself from its competitors while cutting cost, but through their continual strong focus on human relations and s uperior customer service Delta will continue to be amongst the top in the airline industry. External Environment General. Economic factors: Inflation has increased and the world economy has dealt  with financial issues. There is a lot of potential growth in the emerging economies. Airlines merging not only affect those involved in the merger, but also the other airlines that stand to lose market share. Socio-culture: Factor varies among societies. The airline industry serves all kinds of customers. There have been issues with obesity and airlines because of having to purchase an additional seat for being larger. Political-Regulatory factors: Airlines have to consider are security issues because of terrorist attacks and deregulation of airlines. Also, there are fuel regulations to consider (Anthony, Kacmar & Perrewe, 2010). Technological factors: Technology has changed the industry drastically. Travel agencies are completely obsolete because of websites like hotwire, Orbitz and Priceline. Airlines have mobile applications for phones and ipads that allow you to check-in and get flight updates. You do no t even need a paper-boarding pass; there are electronic boarding passes. Demographic factors: The airline industry serves customers all over the world. Typically serving adults, even though children fly. Shares of the market are customers traveling for business purposes. Industry Airline Industry. The airline industry is a major economic and social force. The impact air travel has had on related industries, manufacturing, and tourism is on a global scale. Few industries have created the amount of technological advancement or gained such attention from federal governments. The industry has high and low cycles largely dependent on time of year and socioeconomic factors. The industry is fairly concentrated with only a small handful of majors competitors in North America, but each competitor has attached themselves to joint ventures with numerous global corporations, such as Sky Team, which contains Delta Air Lines. Airlines compete on a global scale, offering flights from Washington D.C to South Africa to Tokyo, Japan. Companies that limit themselves to a certain region struggle maintain a large portion of the market share. The airline industry is somewhat difficult to break into due to a high learning curve and the number of major competitors already establishe d in the field. The industry is in a mature phase, which means it is a well-established commodity that has seen little growth into untapped markets. Technology is rapidly growing to make planes larger, more efficient, quieter, and easier to manage. Technology has  allowed air travel to become safer and more cost effective than driving. The use of the internet has enabled consumers to purchase seats easier than ever. The capital requirements of an airline are very large. Planes, hangars, hubs, and a massive support staff are always needed to maintain even a small operation of flights. The industry can be very profitable as long as competition is maintained and people have a need for more rapid transportation. 5 – Force Analysis New Entrants. The significant start-up costs and capital requirements make entering the airline industry difficult. Government regulations also make a new or unknown company struggle internationally, as many governments strictly control who has authority to land within the country. Foreign competitors are more of a threat than new competitors. Foreign competitors are always looking to increase their market share in the U.S. and North America. Suppliers. Suppliers have a large amount of power within the industry. Boeing and Airbus dominate the manufacturing industry related to the airlines, which limits competition and rivalry. There is a lack of intensity within the industry due to this lack of competition. The other high priced commodity for airlines is fuel. The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries is very strong and can easily influence the price of fuel. These suppliers can demand the prices they want because the airline industry has limited options otherwise. Buyers. Buyers have relatively low bargaining power within the airline industry. This is in part due to the high costs of switching airlines and the fact that airlines have the ability to set their own prices without fear of taking losses. Buyer power has recently grown with the use of travel/booking websites such as Travelocity, Kayak, and Hotwire. These sites enable buyers to instantaneously peruse numerous airline ticketing costs. The consumer then has the option to select the airline with the lowest offered price. Delta has introduced a way to lower ticket costs and maintain a loyal customer base. They offer lowered prices to consumers who buy directly from the Delta website. Substitutes. The increased efficiency of other travel modes do offer some threats of substitutes and also forces the airline industry to remain vigilant about having constant technological upgrades of their own. The threats offered from other services, such as motor vehicle, train, and boat,  have been dec lining since the rise of air travel, but they remain as a constant within the tourism and travel industries. Increased costs of fuel/oil prices have decreased the number of consumers who travel for pleasure, which has increased the percentage of those who travel for business needs. Airlines remain the favorite for international or transoceanic traveling due to the speed of transportation. Existing Rivalry. Rivals have created increased intensity within the market and the need for joint ventures and new business contracts on a regular basis. The most profitable hubs are ones setup within major traffic cities with a high demand for air travel. This means that the major airlines have to compete with one another to seize the larger markets. The larger markets typically cost more to get into, but yield a higher return on investments, so it is beneficial to become involved. Companies need to offer more flights and more time flexibility through these larger markets to keep up with the demand of their rival companies. Fixed costs from suppliers, low differentiation of services, and price wars contribute to rivalry as well. Net profits are lower overall due to this competition, but it ensures that one company is unable to seize a monopoly of the market share. Offering â€Å"frequent flyer miles† is one way to differentiate from the competition and increase a loyal customer base.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Cases in global marketing strategies Essay

If you call yourself a movie fanatic, then 21 August, 2009 was a day you will always have to remember. Movie lovers and anyone who love going to cinemas were defiantly in a rush that day to be in any near IMAX Theater. In more than a hundred IMAX 3-D cinemas all over the world watched just 16 minutes preview of the footage from the new James Cameron movie the Avatar. Just on the same day, Ubisoft debuted a preview on a video game based on the movie, and Mattel unveiled action toys based on the movie characters. On the other hand, a day earlier, the teaser made for this movie broke records on, this was after the teaser was streamed more than four million times during the first day. On that day August 21, it was a celebration for all movie lovers and movie productions and for that it was a holiday and till now it is remembered as â€Å"Avatar Day.† Today it is remembered as the dawn of the most planned and successful digital marketing campaign ever created to support a movie (Evan, 2011). In this movie James Cameroon and his crew went to all limits and for sure they deserved what the movie gave them in return. For Avatar to stand out above the rest of the movies as it did, there are a lot of strategies and plans which were put in motion for all this to happen. Below are some of the details of key components of how the marketing campaign of the movie became such a success, in some I will illustrate with a character and creature within â€Å"Avatar.† The Home tree: Avatar’s Website The clarity and visual perfection of the home tree on Pandora portrays what has been cultivated on the movies official website. On the websites visitors have more than they can get on a standard trailer, this is by images and all background materials. In the website, you will find 14 side scrolling square boxes that will show a lot of digital products that make this movie different from the rest. On top of this the fans have the capability of accessing the story, character information, music, and picture downloads. And to make the website more interesting the fans can also be able to share their views and showcase their personal interests on the movie. In the movie just about when humans destroyed the home tree for wealth and pursuit of personal interests, the movies website home page had its own destructions in mid-August when the movie fans crushed the site in the process of trying to get free tickets for â€Å"Avatar Day.† The Banshee: The AIR Interactive Trailer The movies interactive trailer comes before other previous movie trailers, and this is all because of integration of social media feeds, and eleven points of interaction that gives viewers the opportunity for one click access to each character. This means that the fans can choose the characters they want to view in a trailer and by this they unlock additional contents. The creation of this trailer was made possible by the use of adobe AIR software, which creates a flexible platform for developers. The outcome of this achievement is that the fans get to enjoy more exciting experience like never before, which more of less the same as to the one is offered in Banshee skipping in the movie. The preview is a motion and frequently refreshed gateway to the movie, which appears to be real and capture the moment it begins. The other advantage is that the preview comes with three options to purchase tickets. The Tree of Souls: Social Media: In the movie the character Na’vi believes that in the tree of souls, which a resting place for the souls of ancestors, was the main link of what connected them to one another. Through this idea, there is a connection to social media that is always connected to our past in one way or the other. Social media being one of the fastest ways to pass information around all over the world, film movie makers had to use the advantage when marketing Avatar. The movies unbelievably got the attention it required on social sites for example it got about 1.5 million fans on Facebook alone, in Myspace the fans were about 800,000 and on twitter I gained about 26,000 followers. According to one of Americas social media analytic firm, they said that Avatar was the most talked about movie in the year 2010 in twitter. However, some tweets resulted to tweet and listen promotion that required the fans to send messages via twitter and after doing that then they will be able to listen to music used in the movie as soundtracks. The social media strategy Avatar used also extended to YouTube that gained over 12 million views, on flicker it got 1.5million people viewing the photos and a type pad blogging community of about 5000 people. Hallelujah Mountains: Augmented Reality In the movie, the gravity opposing Hallelujah Mountains appears to be challenging the ability to hear or see, which is also what had been made greater and reality pushes to do by tabling an interesting experience that floats in front of the viewer’s eyes. The creation of â€Å"Avatar† toys which could be activated and brought to life through the help of webcams and special product tags. While on the other side Coke zero introduced soda cans that opened up a world of Pandora. The final result is that â€Å"Avatar† is so far the biggest movie ever made in the box office of all times. This movie sold over $2 billion in tickets sales which was mostly influenced by 3-D taxes and international interests. Through â€Å"Avatar† James Cameron became one of the greatest movie makers of all time having two of the top-grossing movie topping on the box office at the same time. The question remains to be what lead to the success of this movie? The primary objective of any marketing strategy in the movie industry is to make sure that the fans get the product you are marketing. While at the same time gets to theaters to watch the movies that they have to pay about $10 to $15 and have to watch the movie for several hours. After the campaign made by the advertisers, millions of people all went out to theatres just to enjoy the movie and 3-D glasses, and the fans also got to bring a phrase from the movie to life which was used by Na’vi: Oel ngati kameie meaning â€Å"I see you.† This is the processes in which the improvements in the movie made it unique as compared to other films. However, they are not just the only methods James Cameron used to make â€Å"Avatar† a success in the digital movie era. The introduction of 3-D camera and stimulcam were not just the technology’s that turned James Cameron’s sci-fi unique and a success. Many other small movies have also turned to social media to spread the word guerrilla-style, but so far no other blockbuster movie has turned to social media marketing like Avatar did. After using this method to market its film, the results they got from the first opening weekend Avatar made $232 million and ranked the movie on #2 highest grossing movie of all times. Cameron’s $500million act of hubris finally bared fruits. Reinventing the Movie Trailer Online Knowing that Avatar was never the first film to make a trailer in a different manner online. Then it means that it was never the first to try out most of this things required for online advertising. But using an expensive strategy, and at the same time combine it with several existing ideas was what made this movie’s social media campaign go big. In the beginning it started with ideas which many movies use now: a preview debut from Apple, which was announced on twitter and the anxiety was too high from the fans to such an extent that the servers had to get the trailer out to the people who wanted it. Afterward, about a month later the movie released the second trailer, this became a success since many fans were eagerly waiting to see the trailer for a whole month and with that the fans made their own mash-up trailers which involved Avatar and other movies. However, after making the second preview they did not stop there and they went forth and made the third trailer and to their surprise the preview was the best they had achieved so far, and to an extend it blew everyone away beyond their expectation. An interactive preview was introduced using Adobe Air software and therefore in required one to download that is a bit hectic, but to all Avatar fans the download was worth it. The download had special features such as featured contend, and the fans could read all updated social media updates on the movie from the trailer. This move was the biggest move that Avatar had taken since it got press coverage and buzz (Dave, 2011). The Facebook and MTV Webcast On 3 December, Facebook joined forces with and were sponsored by LG webcast known as â€Å"Avatar Live.† An interview was made to get word from the great minds behind the creation and success of the movie and this were people like James Cameron the Director, the producers Jon Landau, the Actors Zoe Saldana and Sam Washington. In this interview, the fans also got to ask them any questions they wanted to about the movie. Even though the interview can be said to have been short and brief, it is still considered to be one of the amazing webcast to have been seen up to date (Mitchell_A_Zucker) . This is because it is not always that simple to see big Hollywood names all sitting at the same place answering questions from their fans all at the same time. Even though having the community come to interact with a director of such caliber is a once in a lifetime opportunity, it made us remember of director Peter Jackson’s daily updates from the famous set of The Lord of th e Rings. What was experienced in both cases is the fact that people who did not know much about the movies also turned out for the sale and learn more about the film while on the other hand the fans also showed up in large numbers to also get to know all what they did not know yet and get new words to spread around to friends and other people they interact with. Broadcasting the Premiere Live On UstreamOne of the most respected way for any celebrity or movie to go down is by using the red carpet. Avatar was premiered at the red carpet and broadcasted live to the audience on a video streaming site Ustream. Besides the technology media coverage this pulled, this idea was not a new stunt since movies like twilight saga New moon had already put it on trial, however, we can say it made many people happy that day. The point is a movie should use all ways possible it gets to get the awareness of the movie out. This broadcast made at the red carpet was sponsored by Myspace, and with this it means that the move reached fans who got to miss the presentation in Facebook or any other social media site. The fans of Avatar had the opportunity to watch the preview and the video in bot Myspace web page in addition to Ustream website. The fact that the red carpet was one week before the movie was released and aired in cinemas was another way to get the awareness of the movie to the fans during the final days of marketing before the final release date of the eagerly awaited movie. Avatar is one of the most thrilling Sci-fi, fantasy, adventure movie ever made. The story line is with no doubt captivating to the audience. Due to these features it was made easy for Cameron and his crew to market the movie since all the fans were thrilled and eager to see the movie after watching the trailers offered on the movie. However, in marketing Avatar the movie had to also come up with action figures which would symbolize the characters and through this they got to attract more children fans to get to buy the toys and also want to watch the movie (Dave, 2011). Coming up with unique posters of the movie was also another marvelous move Avatar came up with, since everyone who was a fan wanted to at least have a poster of the movie in the house or even in their bedrooms and through that all the friend of people with the posters would end up being drawn slowly into liking the movie. According to (Mesa, 2009). another reason many people ended up liking the movie is the fact that we were all amazed by the work made by the make-up artist in the movie, actually they made the characters look so real in such a way that has never been seen before. The details on the characters and the make-up were just out of this world. Conclusion From this essay, it is evident that James Camron went to all measures to make Avatar such a success. However, many movies might have tried using the same marketing strategies but the little details and changes that James Cameron brought to the production and marketing of the movie are what actually made the difference and ended up make this movie the greatest movie of all times. However, this made it everyone’s business to play the marketing roles which were to be played by everyone during the movie sale and we even see how the fans got the chance to market the movie and also comment on live updates about the movie. This time it is with no doubt that James Cameron overdid himself in this movie. Having such a big movie is not something people see every day it takes practice and experience to be what James Cameron is, but we cannot be so surprised about this since James Cameron had another blockbuster â€Å"Titanic† which was also top of the box office before he broke his own record with Avatar. This movie â€Å"Avatar† did not just be successful it changed the movie industry as we knew it and for that I have doubt that Avatar will be a movie that will be remembered for several decades to come or even a century. Reference Jeannet, J. (2004). Cases in global marketing strategies. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Evan, S. (2011). Avatar. Pittsburgh, PA: Six Gallery Press. Mesa, A. (2009). Brand Avatar: translating virtual world branding into real world success. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Kautonen, T. (2008). Trust and new technologies marketing and management on the Internet and mobile media. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. Dave, D. (2011). Think before you engage 100 questions to ask before starting a social media marketing campaign. Indianapolis, IN: John Wiley & Sons. Paul, A. (2009). Digital strategies for powerful corporate communications. New York: McGraw-Hill. Mattias, B. (2011). How Cool Brands Stay Hot. Kogan Page Matthew, S. (2011). Handbook of research on digital media and advertising: user generated content consumption. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. Roger, A. (2009). Marketing. Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Article Source: Mitchell_A_Zucker.†¦/identify-your-target-market-with-this.html Marketing Strategies of movies —-Avatar. Source document

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Philosophy assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Philosophy assignment - Essay Example The money provided to them was to suffice as their livelihood, and otherwise they were also provided with relief in kind, i.e, in terms of clothes and food. Indoor relief on the other hand was established so that the legislation took control of the plight of the poor and the old people. They were provided with shelter, clothing as well as hospital and medical facilities if they required them. The better approach thus for assisting the poor lies in indoor relief because a number of poor people are not able to gain access to shelter or food at all. Thus, the law must help them to attain food, shelter, clothing as well as other basic necessities. 2. The public assistance provision of the social security act differed from those of the economic opportunity act as social security helped the legislation provide security in terms of jobs as well as food and shelter to the people. It ensured their social life and health as opposed to understanding their work lives and providing them with jobs . The act thus helped to provide the poverty stricken people with a proper social environment within which they could gain access to a proper living environment as well as substantial amount of resources for daily living. 3. Opportunity structures are external factors of the environment which help a group of people gain access to political, social as well as economic aspects of the environment around them. They further help to shape the development of these factions of the people as well. Doug McAdam summarizes at least four key dynamic components of the political opportunity structure: a. the relative openness or closure of the institutionalized political system; b. the stability or instability of that broad set of elite alignments that typically under-gird a polity; c. the presence or absence of elite allies; d. and the state’s capacity and propensity for repression. Thus, each individual’s level of access to opportunity structure shapes the outcome of his or her dev elopment according to the society that he or she lives within, with respect to the political as well as social and economic aspirations. 4. Every profession has a certain code of ethics or conduct attached to it. It is important for every profession to have such a code because these ethics help the formulation of social rules and regulations that every individual must follow within the workplace in order to maintain a harmonious environment. Social work is a line of work where people engage in interactions with a large number of people coming from various diverse backgrounds. Thus it becomes imperative to have a code of ethics in order to maintain certain decorum among people from such different cultures and backgrounds. 5. Charity Organization Societies consisted of various charitable organizations that helped the plight of the poor people and in their uplifting for the purpose of bringing about welfare within society. These organizations made use of scientific philanthropy in orde r to uplift the distressed people. The society thus considered itself to be much more than just a group of people that provided alms or monetary charity to the poor people. They have contributed in majority and have become some of the biggest social reformers or workers in the world today. The Charity Organization Society movement can be compared to the settlement house movement which emphasized social reform rather than

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Transtheoretical Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Transtheoretical Model - Essay Example Such a policy may have been commenced by advances in the classification of the equipotentiality of various explanations of client issues. Premature research proposed that a counselor's hypothetically based viewpoint in the area of alcohol and drugs about the source of a client's query were influential in creating revolution, apart from the actual satisfaction of the counselor's thinking (West, 2005). Moreover, consequent study has pointed out that the difference between the customer's faith and the analyst's message itself, rather than the accurate theoretically based substance of the message, is of major importance for client change. Researchers examined that the counselor's message itself allowed the user to observe the problem with a different angle that directed to efficient problem interpreting. In olden times, a few researchers and counselor instructors might have been more open to theoretical assimilation upon identifying a trend in practical searches that revealed comparatively small differences between therapeutic policies (Highlen & Hill, 1984). A significant peculiarity has been set between procedural eclecticism and theoretical incorporation. An eclectic strategy, exclusive of theoretical incorporation, tends to put down practitioners with a plan wanting in structure and practical trend. There is a lot to explore and perform for the structure that attains theoretical incorporation. (Prochaska, 1997) Researchers as well as theorists who proposed models that match with modern variations have documented the increasing trend in the direction of eclecticism. A methodical treatment selection was proposed in 1993 that reflects an individual's problem sternness and convolution, inspirational pain, confrontation power and handling style. The aspects that proposal drew awareness to are imperative for counselors to think about. The model may appear unclear and perplexing because the individuals have changeable measures of problems. (Gaw and Beutler, 1993) The aim of the article is to underline the role that the Transtheoretical Model of Change has played for practical eclecticism and theoretical incorporation. Another objective is to think about the intercession propositions of empirically resulting practices and phases of change. Transtheoretical Model Transtheoretical Model characterizes an experimentally derived chronological structure of general change that consists of multiple stages. This model is different from other counseling assumptions in that it was planned to present an amalgamative configuration to analysis practice. It was designed to combine various features of counseling without isolating application from theory. Transtheoretical Model also integrates a perceptive of the usual dynamic predispositions that individuals illustrate about self-change. In particular, it integrates what investigators have exposed about how a number of individuals, with problems usually seen in treatment, achieve required changes devoid of treatment (Tucker, 1995; Watson & Sher, 1998). This sort of invention of the model is imitative of the scientist-expert in that it was designed from a practically originated model of change. Transtheoretical model may be one solution to the recognized need of an incorporative and inclusive approach that various specialized people have

Monday, October 7, 2019

Analysis of the culture of the UAE and its implications on companies Essay

Analysis of the culture of the UAE and its implications on companies wishing to do business in the UAE - Essay Example The UAE culture is very diverse, with elements from the traditional Arab, Islam and contemporary elements. The country is endowed with a rich natural environment that is very attractive to tourists, especially its coast line. Its infrastructure is also up to date, particularly its information and communications technology platform. UAE’s political and legal system makes it among the most politically stable countries in the region and indeed in the whole world. UAE high number of immigrants further attests to the fact that it is very friendly to foreigners. Moreover, UAE’s location puts in almost a central position, hence is easily reachable from many parts of the world including Africa, the rest of the Asian continent and Europe. The various aspects of this culture such as aesthetics, attitudes and beliefs, religion, material Culture, language, societal organization, legal characteristics and political structures all contribute towards a conducive environment for busine ss.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Green washing - distinguish reality from fiction. When green claims Essay

Green washing - distinguish reality from fiction. When green claims are ungustified - Essay Example Firms Name their products and use labels to show their origination or association from a natural resource. However, companies damage climate, land, water and other natural irreplaceable resources in the process of gaining material benefit and shielding it with the green sheen. Green washing is also used in political circles to gain material benefits and earn support in matters, which are otherwise debatable (Foley et al 337) Companies proclaim the environmental and user care approach, which one they prioritize? The benefit of environment (being green), consumer or their own? Their actions lead to a concrete answer, definitely only their own. Firms use green washing business tactic to avoid negative publicity on being ignorant in the matters of health and safety. Typically, companies avoid relating to the news of pollution contributor, toxic agents used in products or reproduced as waste, fallacy of consumer and employee rights, large amount of usage of natural resources in the production process, recycling and lack of efficiency of their products. Using language which denotes association to nature and develops a positive perception, therefore, companies use organic, bio, green and natural terms in naming their products only to increase sale. A recent survey shows the efficiency of green washing in making a firm’s reputation superior; regardless of their poor contribution towards environment safet y (Cho et al 68). Companies print labels which denote their association with environmental safety campaigns and show the respect for life on Earth. More than 300 labels represent the caring approach of the firm, that has adapted the environmental changes required towards ecological and consumer benefit. But not all the labels printed on the products are authorized or need a license to be printed. Thus, the absence of standards of sustainability has contributed in the duplicity of the firms. These